- experiment
- experiment
- experiment
experiment,dělat pokusy Zdeněk Brož
experiment,experiment n: Zdeněk Brož
experiment,experimentovat v: Zdeněk Brož
experiment,pokus n: Zdeněk Brož
experiment,experimentn: Zdeněk Brož
experiment,trialn: PetrV
Experiment \Ex*per"i*ment\, v. t.
To try; to know, perceive, or prove, by trial or experience.
[Obs.] --Sir T. Herbert.
[1913 Webster]
Experiment \Ex*per"i*ment\, n. [L. experimentum, fr. experiri to
try: cf. OF. esperiment, experiment. See Experience.]
1. A trial or special observation, made to confirm or
disprove something uncertain; esp., one under controlled
conditions determined by the experimenter; an act or
operation undertaken in order to discover some unknown
principle or effect, or to test, establish, or illustrate
some hypothesis, theory, or known truth; practical test;
[1913 Webster]

A political experiment can not be made in a
laboratory, nor determined in a few hours. --J.
[1913 Webster]

2. Experience. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

Adam, by sad experiment I know
How little weight my words with thee can find.
[1913 Webster]
Experiment \Ex*per"i*ment\ ([e^]ks*p[e^]r"[i^]*ment), v. t.
[imp. & p. p. Experimented; p. pr. & vb. n.
To make experiment; to operate by test or trial; -- often
with on, upon, or in, referring to the subject of an
experiment; with, referring to the instrument; and by,
referring to the means; as, to experiment upon electricity;
he experimented in plowing with ponies, or by steam power.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: the act of conducting a controlled test or investigation
[syn: experiment, experimentation]
2: the testing of an idea; "it was an experiment in living";
"not all experimentation is done in laboratories" [syn:
experiment, experimentation]
3: a venture at something new or different; "as an experiment he
decided to grow a beard"
v 1: to conduct a test or investigation; "We are experimenting
with the new drug in order to fight this disease"
2: try something new, as in order to gain experience; "Students
experiment sexually"; "The composer experimented with a new
style" [syn: experiment, try out]
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- experiment
delta clipper experimental
Delta Clipper Experimental
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- experiment
delta clipper experimental
Delta Clipper Experimental
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- experiment
animal experiments
animal experiments,pokusy na zvířatech Rostislav Svoboda
control experiment
control experiment, n:
double-blind experiment
double-blind experiment, n:
experiment,dělat pokusy Zdeněk Brožexperiment,experiment n: Zdeněk Brožexperiment,experimentovat v: Zdeněk Brožexperiment,pokus n: Zdeněk Brož
experiment with
experiment with,experimentovat v: Zdeněk Brož
experimental,experimentální adj: Zdeněk Brožexperimental,pokusný adj: Zdeněk Brož
experimental condition
experimental condition, n:
experimental extinction
experimental extinction, n:
experimental method
experimental method, n:
experimental methods for preference elicitation
experimental methods for preference elicitation,experimentální metody
pro odhalení preferencí [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
experimental procedure
experimental procedure, n:
experimental psychology
experimental psychology, n:
experimental variable
experimental variable, n:
experimentalism,experimentalismus Zdeněk Brož
experimentalist,experimentátor n: Zdeněk Brož
experimentally,experimentálně adv: Zdeněk Brožexperimentally,pokusně adv: Zdeněk Brož
experimentation,experimentování n: Zdeněk Brož
experimented,experimentoval v: Zdeněk Brož
experimenter,experimentátor n: Zdeněk Brož
experimenter bias
experimenter bias, n:
experimenters,experimentátoři n: Zdeněk Brož
experimenting,experimentování n: Zdeněk Brož
experiments,experimenty n: pl. Zdeněk Brož
pilot experiment
pilot experiment,pilotní experiment Clock
through an experiment
through an experiment, adv:
advanced space structures technology research experiment
Advanced Space Structures Technology Research Experiment,ASTREX[zkr.]
[voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
airborne laser experiment
Airborne Laser Experiment,ABLEX[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický
airborne laser extended atmospheric characterization experiment
Airborne Laser Extended Atmospheric Characterization Experiment,ABLE
ACE[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
delta clipper experimental
Delta Clipper Experimental,DC-X[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický
druh experimentu
druh experimentu,double blind Zdeněk Broždruh experimentu,double-blind Zdeněk Brož
electric propulsion space experiment
Electric Propulsion Space Experiment,ESEX[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
experiment,experimentn: Zdeněk Brožexperiment,trialn: PetrV
experimental stealth tactical (have blue)
eXperimental Stealth Tactical (Have Blue),XST[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož
a automatický překlad
experimentalismus,experimentalism Zdeněk Brož
experimentoval,experimentedv: Zdeněk Brož
experimentovat,experimentv: Zdeněk Brožexperimentovat,experiment withv: Zdeněk Brož
experimentování,experimentationn: Zdeněk Brožexperimentování,experimentingn: Zdeněk Brož
experimenty,experimentsn: pl. Zdeněk Brož
experimentální,experimentaladj: Zdeněk Brož
experimentální metody pro odhalení preferencí
experimentální metody pro odhalení preferencí,experimental methods for
preference elicitation[eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
experimentálně,experimentallyadv: Zdeněk Brož
experimentátor,experimentalistn: Zdeněk Brožexperimentátor,experimentern: Zdeněk Brož
experimentátoři,experimentersn: Zdeněk Brož
linear aerospike sr-71 experiment
Linear Aerospike SR-71 Experiment,LASRE[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
midcourse space experiment
Midcourse Space Experiment,MSX[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický
pilotní experiment
pilotní experiment,pilot experiment Clock
retro-assisted imaging laser experiment
Retro-Assisted Imaging Laser Experiment,RAILE[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož
a automatický překlad
satellite imaging experiment
Satellite Imaging Experiment,SIE[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický
Experimental \Ex*per`i*men"tal\, a. [Cf.F. exp['e]rimental.]
1. Pertaining to experiment; founded on, or derived from,
experiment or trial; as, experimental science; given to,
or skilled in, experiment; as, an experimental
[1913 Webster]

2. Known by, or derived from, experience; as, experimental
[1913 Webster]
experimental research
Research \Re*search"\ (r?-s?rch"), n. [Pref. re- + search: cf
OF. recerche, F. recherche.]
1. Diligent inquiry or examination in seeking facts or
principles; laborious or continued search after truth; as,
researches of human wisdom; to research a topic in the
library; medical research.
[1913 Webster]

The dearest interests of parties have frequently
been staked on the results of the researches of
antiquaries. --Macaulay.
[1913 Webster]

2. Systematic observation of phenomena for the purpose of
learning new facts or testing the application of theories
to known facts; -- also called scientific research. This
is the research part of the phrase "research and
development" (R&D).

Note: The distinctive characteristic of scientific research
is the maintenance of records and careful control or
observation of conditions under which the phenomena are
studied so that others will be able to reproduce the
observations. When the person conducting the research
varies the conditions beforehand in order to test
directly the effects of changing conditions on the
results of the observation, such investigation is
called experimental research or experimentation or
experimental science; it is often conducted in a
laboratory. If the investigation is conducted with a
view to obtaining information directly useful in
producing objects with commercial or practical utility,
the research is called applied research.
Investigation conducted for the primary purpose of
discovering new facts about natural phenomena, or to
elaborate or test theories about natural phenomena, is
called basic research or fundamental research.
Research in fields such as astronomy, in which the
phenomena to be observed cannot be controlled by the
experimenter, is called observational research.
Epidemiological research is a type of observational
research in which the researcher applies statistical
methods to analyse patterns of occurrence of disease
and its association with other phenomena within a
population, with a view to understanding the origins or
mode of transmission of the disease.

Syn: Investigation; examination; inquiry; scrutiny.
[1913 Webster]
experimental science
Research \Re*search"\ (r?-s?rch"), n. [Pref. re- + search: cf
OF. recerche, F. recherche.]
1. Diligent inquiry or examination in seeking facts or
principles; laborious or continued search after truth; as,
researches of human wisdom; to research a topic in the
library; medical research.
[1913 Webster]

The dearest interests of parties have frequently
been staked on the results of the researches of
antiquaries. --Macaulay.
[1913 Webster]

2. Systematic observation of phenomena for the purpose of
learning new facts or testing the application of theories
to known facts; -- also called scientific research. This
is the research part of the phrase "research and
development" (R&D).

Note: The distinctive characteristic of scientific research
is the maintenance of records and careful control or
observation of conditions under which the phenomena are
studied so that others will be able to reproduce the
observations. When the person conducting the research
varies the conditions beforehand in order to test
directly the effects of changing conditions on the
results of the observation, such investigation is
called experimental research or experimentation or
experimental science; it is often conducted in a
laboratory. If the investigation is conducted with a
view to obtaining information directly useful in
producing objects with commercial or practical utility,
the research is called applied research.
Investigation conducted for the primary purpose of
discovering new facts about natural phenomena, or to
elaborate or test theories about natural phenomena, is
called basic research or fundamental research.
Research in fields such as astronomy, in which the
phenomena to be observed cannot be controlled by the
experimenter, is called observational research.
Epidemiological research is a type of observational
research in which the researcher applies statistical
methods to analyse patterns of occurrence of disease
and its association with other phenomena within a
population, with a view to understanding the origins or
mode of transmission of the disease.

Syn: Investigation; examination; inquiry; scrutiny.
[1913 Webster]
experimentalism \experimentalism\ n.
1. an empirical doctrine that advocates experimental
[WordNet 1.5]

2. an orientation that favors experimentation and innovation;
as, the children of psycholoigsts are often raised in an
atmosphere of experimentalism.
[WordNet 1.5]
Experimentalist \Ex*per`i*men"tal*ist\, n.
1. One who makes experiments, especially one who likes to
experiment; an experimenter. --Whaterly.
[1913 Webster]

2. One who relies primarily on experimentation and the
evidence of one's own senses; an empiricist; -- contrasted
with theoretician or dogmatist.
Experimentalize \Ex*per`i*men"tal*ize\, v. i.
To make experiments (upon); to experiment. --J. S. Mill.
[1913 Webster]
Experimentally \Ex*per`i*men"tal*ly\, adv.
By experiment; by experience or trial. --J. S. Mill.
[1913 Webster]
Experimentarian \Ex*per`i*men*ta"ri*an\, a.
Relying on experiment or experience. "an experimentarian
philosopher." --Boyle. -- n. One who relies on experiment or
experience. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]
Research \Re*search"\ (r?-s?rch"), n. [Pref. re- + search: cf
OF. recerche, F. recherche.]
1. Diligent inquiry or examination in seeking facts or
principles; laborious or continued search after truth; as,
researches of human wisdom; to research a topic in the
library; medical research.
[1913 Webster]

The dearest interests of parties have frequently
been staked on the results of the researches of
antiquaries. --Macaulay.
[1913 Webster]

2. Systematic observation of phenomena for the purpose of
learning new facts or testing the application of theories
to known facts; -- also called scientific research. This
is the research part of the phrase "research and
development" (R&D).

Note: The distinctive characteristic of scientific research
is the maintenance of records and careful control or
observation of conditions under which the phenomena are
studied so that others will be able to reproduce the
observations. When the person conducting the research
varies the conditions beforehand in order to test
directly the effects of changing conditions on the
results of the observation, such investigation is
called experimental research or experimentation or
experimental science; it is often conducted in a
laboratory. If the investigation is conducted with a
view to obtaining information directly useful in
producing objects with commercial or practical utility,
the research is called applied research.
Investigation conducted for the primary purpose of
discovering new facts about natural phenomena, or to
elaborate or test theories about natural phenomena, is
called basic research or fundamental research.
Research in fields such as astronomy, in which the
phenomena to be observed cannot be controlled by the
experimenter, is called observational research.
Epidemiological research is a type of observational
research in which the researcher applies statistical
methods to analyse patterns of occurrence of disease
and its association with other phenomena within a
population, with a view to understanding the origins or
mode of transmission of the disease.

Syn: Investigation; examination; inquiry; scrutiny.
[1913 Webster]Experimentation \Ex*per`i*men*ta"tion\, n.
The act of experimenting; practice by experiment. --J. S.
[1913 Webster]
Research \Re*search"\ (r?-s?rch"), n. [Pref. re- + search: cf
OF. recerche, F. recherche.]
1. Diligent inquiry or examination in seeking facts or
principles; laborious or continued search after truth; as,
researches of human wisdom; to research a topic in the
library; medical research.
[1913 Webster]

The dearest interests of parties have frequently
been staked on the results of the researches of
antiquaries. --Macaulay.
[1913 Webster]

2. Systematic observation of phenomena for the purpose of
learning new facts or testing the application of theories
to known facts; -- also called scientific research. This
is the research part of the phrase "research and
development" (R&D).

Note: The distinctive characteristic of scientific research
is the maintenance of records and careful control or
observation of conditions under which the phenomena are
studied so that others will be able to reproduce the
observations. When the person conducting the research
varies the conditions beforehand in order to test
directly the effects of changing conditions on the
results of the observation, such investigation is
called experimental research or experimentation or
experimental science; it is often conducted in a
laboratory. If the investigation is conducted with a
view to obtaining information directly useful in
producing objects with commercial or practical utility,
the research is called applied research.
Investigation conducted for the primary purpose of
discovering new facts about natural phenomena, or to
elaborate or test theories about natural phenomena, is
called basic research or fundamental research.
Research in fields such as astronomy, in which the
phenomena to be observed cannot be controlled by the
experimenter, is called observational research.
Epidemiological research is a type of observational
research in which the researcher applies statistical
methods to analyse patterns of occurrence of disease
and its association with other phenomena within a
population, with a view to understanding the origins or
mode of transmission of the disease.

Syn: Investigation; examination; inquiry; scrutiny.
[1913 Webster]Experimentation \Ex*per`i*men*ta"tion\, n.
The act of experimenting; practice by experiment. --J. S.
[1913 Webster]
Experimentative \Ex*per`i*men"ta*tive\, a.
Experimental; of the nature of experiment. [R.]
[1913 Webster]
Experimentator \Ex*per"i*men*ta`tor\, n. [LL.]
An experimenter. [R.]
[1913 Webster]
Experiment \Ex*per"i*ment\ ([e^]ks*p[e^]r"[i^]*ment), v. t.
[imp. & p. p. Experimented; p. pr. & vb. n.
To make experiment; to operate by test or trial; -- often
with on, upon, or in, referring to the subject of an
experiment; with, referring to the instrument; and by,
referring to the means; as, to experiment upon electricity;
he experimented in plowing with ponies, or by steam power.
[1913 Webster]
Experimenter \Ex*per"i*men`ter\, n.
One who makes experiments; one skilled in experiments. --
[1913 Webster]
Experimentist \Ex*per"i*men`tist\, n.
An experimenter.
[1913 Webster]
Valsalvian experiment
Valsalvian \Val*sal"vi*an\, a.
Of or pertaining to Valsalva, an Italian anatomist of the
17th century.
[1913 Webster]

Valsalvian experiment (Med.), the process of inflating the
middle ear by closing the mouth and nostrils, and blowing
so as to puff out the cheeks.
[1913 Webster]

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