fornication,smilstvo Pavel Machek
Fornication \For`ni*ca"tion\, n. [F. fornication, L.
1. Unlawful sexual intercourse on the part of an unmarried
person; the act of such illicit sexual intercourse between
a man and a woman as does not by law amount to adultery.
[1913 Webster]

Note: In England, the offense, though cognizable in the
ecclesiastical courts, was not at common law subject to
secular prosecution. In the United States it is
indictable in some States at common law, in others only
by statute. --Whartyon.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Script.)
(a) Adultery.
(b) Incest.
(c) Idolatry.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: voluntary sexual intercourse between persons not married to
each other
2: extramarital sex that willfully and maliciously interferes
with marriage relations; "adultery is often cited as grounds
for divorce" [syn: adultery, criminal conversation,
FORNICATION, crim. law. The unlawful carnal knowledge of an unmarried person
with another, whether the latter be married or unmarried. When the party is
married, the offence, as to him or her, is known by the name of adultery.
(q.v.) Fornication is, however, included in every case of adultery, as a
larceny is included in robbery. 2 Hale's P. C. 302.

podobné slovodefinícia
fornication,smilstvo Pavel Machek
Fornication \For`ni*ca"tion\, n. [F. fornication, L.
1. Unlawful sexual intercourse on the part of an unmarried
person; the act of such illicit sexual intercourse between
a man and a woman as does not by law amount to adultery.
[1913 Webster]

Note: In England, the offense, though cognizable in the
ecclesiastical courts, was not at common law subject to
secular prosecution. In the United States it is
indictable in some States at common law, in others only
by statute. --Whartyon.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Script.)
(a) Adultery.
(b) Incest.
(c) Idolatry.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: voluntary sexual intercourse between persons not married to
each other
2: extramarital sex that willfully and maliciously interferes
with marriage relations; "adultery is often cited as grounds
for divorce" [syn: adultery, criminal conversation,

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