
Effects. A polymorphic language based on Scheme, allowing
side effects and first-class functions. It attempts to
integrate functional and imperative programming.
Expressions have types, side effects (e.g. reading, writing or
allocating) and regions (stating where the effects may occur).

Versions: FX-89, FX-90.


["The FX-87 Reference Manual", D.K. Gifford
et al, MIT/LCS/TR-407, Oct 1987].

podobné slovodefinícia

Effects. A polymorphic language based on Scheme, allowing
side effects and first-class functions. It attempts to
integrate functional and imperative programming.
Expressions have types, side effects (e.g. reading, writing or
allocating) and regions (stating where the effects may occur).

Versions: FX-89, FX-90.


["The FX-87 Reference Manual", D.K. Gifford
et al, MIT/LCS/TR-407, Oct 1987].


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