ferric,železitý adj: Zdeněk Brož
ferric,železnatý adj: Zdeněk Brož
Ferric \Fer"ric\, a. [L. ferrum iron: cf. F. ferrique. See
Pertaining to, derived from, or containing iron. Specifically
(Chem.), denoting those compounds in which iron has a higher
valence than in the ferrous compounds; as, ferric oxide;
ferric acid.
[1913 Webster]

Ferric acid (Chem.), an acid, H2FeO4, which is not known
in the free state, but forms definite salts, analogous to
the chromates and sulphates.

Ferric oxide (Chem.), sesquioxide of iron, Fe2O3;
hematite. See Hematite.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: of or relating to or containing iron [syn: ferric,
podobné slovodefinícia
ferric,železitý adj: Zdeněk Brožferric,železnatý adj: Zdeněk Brož
ferric oxide
ferric oxide, n:
ferricyanic acid
ferricyanic acid, n:
ferricyanide,kyanoželezitan n: Zdeněk Brož
Ferric acid
Ferric \Fer"ric\, a. [L. ferrum iron: cf. F. ferrique. See
Pertaining to, derived from, or containing iron. Specifically
(Chem.), denoting those compounds in which iron has a higher
valence than in the ferrous compounds; as, ferric oxide;
ferric acid.
[1913 Webster]

Ferric acid (Chem.), an acid, H2FeO4, which is not known
in the free state, but forms definite salts, analogous to
the chromates and sulphates.

Ferric oxide (Chem.), sesquioxide of iron, Fe2O3;
hematite. See Hematite.
[1913 Webster]
Ferric oxide
Ferric \Fer"ric\, a. [L. ferrum iron: cf. F. ferrique. See
Pertaining to, derived from, or containing iron. Specifically
(Chem.), denoting those compounds in which iron has a higher
valence than in the ferrous compounds; as, ferric oxide;
ferric acid.
[1913 Webster]

Ferric acid (Chem.), an acid, H2FeO4, which is not known
in the free state, but forms definite salts, analogous to
the chromates and sulphates.

Ferric oxide (Chem.), sesquioxide of iron, Fe2O3;
hematite. See Hematite.
[1913 Webster]
Ferric sulphocyanate
Sulphocyanate \Sul`pho*cy"a*nate\, n. (Chem.)
A salt of sulphocyanic acid; -- also called thiocyanate,
and formerly inaccurately sulphocyanide.
[1913 Webster]

Ferric sulphocyanate (Chem.), a dark red crystalline
substance usually obtained in a blood-red solution, and
recognized as a test for ferric iron.
[1913 Webster]
Ferricyanate \Fer`ri*cy"a*nate\, n. [Ferri- + cyanate.] (Chem.)
A salt of ferricyanic acid; a ferricyanide.
[1913 Webster]
Ferricyanic \Fer`ri*cy*an"ic\, a. [Ferri- + cyanic.] (Chem.)
Pertaining to, or derived from, a ferricyanide.
[1913 Webster]

Ferricyanic acid (Chem.), a brown crystalline substance,
H6(CN)12Fe2, obtained from potassium ferricyanide, and
regarded as the type of the ferricyanides; -- called also
hydro-ferricyanic acid, hydrogen ferricyanide, etc.
[1913 Webster]
Ferricyanic acid
Ferricyanic \Fer`ri*cy*an"ic\, a. [Ferri- + cyanic.] (Chem.)
Pertaining to, or derived from, a ferricyanide.
[1913 Webster]

Ferricyanic acid (Chem.), a brown crystalline substance,
H6(CN)12Fe2, obtained from potassium ferricyanide, and
regarded as the type of the ferricyanides; -- called also
hydro-ferricyanic acid, hydrogen ferricyanide, etc.
[1913 Webster]
Ferricyanide \Fer`ri*cy"a*nide\ (?; 104), n. [Ferri- + cyanide.]
One of a complex series of double cyanides of ferric iron and
some other base.
[1913 Webster]

Potassium ferricyanide (Chem.), red prussiate of potash; a
dark, red, crystalline salt, K6(CN)12Fe2, consisting of
the double cyanide of potassium and ferric iron. From it
is derived the ferrous ferricyanate, Turnbull's blue.
[1913 Webster]
Hydroferricyanic \Hy`dro*fer`ri*cy*an"ic\, n. [Hydro-, 2 +
ferricyanic.] (Chem.)
Pertaining to, or containing, or obtained from, hydrogen,
ferric iron, and cyanogen; as, hydroferricyanic acid. See
[1913 Webster]
hydro-ferricyanic acid
Ferricyanic \Fer`ri*cy*an"ic\, a. [Ferri- + cyanic.] (Chem.)
Pertaining to, or derived from, a ferricyanide.
[1913 Webster]

Ferricyanic acid (Chem.), a brown crystalline substance,
H6(CN)12Fe2, obtained from potassium ferricyanide, and
regarded as the type of the ferricyanides; -- called also
hydro-ferricyanic acid, hydrogen ferricyanide, etc.
[1913 Webster]
hydrogen ferricyanide
Ferricyanic \Fer`ri*cy*an"ic\, a. [Ferri- + cyanic.] (Chem.)
Pertaining to, or derived from, a ferricyanide.
[1913 Webster]

Ferricyanic acid (Chem.), a brown crystalline substance,
H6(CN)12Fe2, obtained from potassium ferricyanide, and
regarded as the type of the ferricyanides; -- called also
hydro-ferricyanic acid, hydrogen ferricyanide, etc.
[1913 Webster]
Potassium ferricyanide
Ferricyanide \Fer`ri*cy"a*nide\ (?; 104), n. [Ferri- + cyanide.]
One of a complex series of double cyanides of ferric iron and
some other base.
[1913 Webster]

Potassium ferricyanide (Chem.), red prussiate of potash; a
dark, red, crystalline salt, K6(CN)12Fe2, consisting of
the double cyanide of potassium and ferric iron. From it
is derived the ferrous ferricyanate, Turnbull's blue.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: of or relating to or containing iron [syn: ferric,
ferric oxide
ferric oxide
n 1: a red oxide of iron
ferricyanic acid
ferricyanic acid
n 1: a brown unstable acid formed from ferricyanide
n 1: salt of ferricyanic acid obtained by oxidation of a

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