finishing coat
finishing coat, n:
Finishing coat
Finishing \Fin"ish*ing\, a.
Tending to complete or to render fit for the market or for
[1913 Webster]

Finishing coat.
(a) (Plastering) the final coat of plastering applied to
walls and ceilings, usually white and rubbed smooth.
(b) (Painting) The final coat of paint, usually differently
mixed applied from the others.

Finishing press, a machine for pressing fabrics.

Finishing rolls (Iron Working), the rolls of a train which
receive the bar from roughing rolls, and reduce it to its
finished shape. --Raymond.
[1913 Webster]
finishing coat
finishing coat
n 1: the final coat of paint [syn: finish coat, {finishing
2: the final coating of plaster applied to walls and ceilings;
"we can't paint until they put on the finishing coat" [syn:
finish coat, finishing coat]
podobné slovodefinícia
finishing coat
finishing coat, n:
finishing coat
finishing coat
n 1: the final coat of paint [syn: finish coat, {finishing
2: the final coating of plaster applied to walls and ceilings;
"we can't paint until they put on the finishing coat" [syn:
finish coat, finishing coat]

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