Forisfamiliation \Fo`ris*fa*mil`i*a"tion\, n. (Law)
The act of forisfamiliating.
[1913 Webster]
FORISFAMILIATION, law of Scotl. By this is understood the act by which a
father gives to a child his share of his legitime, and the latter renounces
all further claim. From this time, the child who has so received his share,
is no longer accounted 4 child in the division of the estate. Ersk. Inst.
655, n. 23; Burt. Man. P. R. part 1, c. 2, s. 3, page 35.

podobné slovodefinícia
FORISFAMILIATION, law of Scotl. By this is understood the act by which a
father gives to a child his share of his legitime, and the latter renounces
all further claim. From this time, the child who has so received his share,
is no longer accounted 4 child in the division of the estate. Ersk. Inst.
655, n. 23; Burt. Man. P. R. part 1, c. 2, s. 3, page 35.

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