slovo | definícia |
frequency shift keying (foldoc) | Frequency Shift Keying
(FSK) The use of frequency modulation to
transmit digital data, i.e. two different carrier
frequencies are used to represent zero and one.
FSK was originally used to transmit teleprinter messages by
radio (RTTY) but can be used for most other types of radio
and land-line digital telegraphy. More than two frequencies
can be used to increase transmission rates.
| podobné slovo | definícia |
frequency shift keying (foldoc) | Frequency Shift Keying
(FSK) The use of frequency modulation to
transmit digital data, i.e. two different carrier
frequencies are used to represent zero and one.
FSK was originally used to transmit teleprinter messages by
radio (RTTY) but can be used for most other types of radio
and land-line digital telegraphy. More than two frequencies
can be used to increase transmission rates.
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