GUARDIANS OF THE POOR. The name given to officers whose duties are very
similar to those of overseers of the poor, (q. v.) that is, generally to
relieve the distresses of such poor persons who are unable to take care of

podobné slovodefinícia
Guardians of the poor
Guardian \Guard"i*an\, n. [OF. guardain, gardien, F. gardien,
LL. guardianus. See Guard, v. t., and cf. Wasden.]
1. One who guards, preserves, or secures; one to whom any
person or thing is committed for protection, security, or
preservation from injury; a warden.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Law) One who has, or is entitled to, the custody of the
person or property of an infant, a minor without living
parents, or a person incapable of managing his own
[1913 Webster]

Of the several species of guardians, the first are
guardians by nature. -- viz., the father and (in
some cases) the mother of the child. --Blackstone.
[1913 Webster]

Guardian ad litem(Law), a guardian appointed by a court of
justice to conduct a particular suit.

Guardians of the poor, the members of a board appointed or
elected to care for the relief of the poor within a
township, or district.
[1913 Webster]

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