gomuti, n:
Gomuti \Go*mu"ti\, n. [Malayan gumuti.]
A black, fibrous substance resembling horsehair, obtained
from the leafstalks of two kinds of palms, Metroxylon Sagu,
and Arenga saccharifera, of the Indian islands. It is used
for making cordage. Called also ejoo.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: Malaysian feather palm with base densely clothed with
fibers; yields a sweet sap used in wine and trunk pith
yields sago [syn: sugar palm, gomuti, gomuti palm,
Arenga pinnata]
podobné slovodefinícia
gomuti, n:
gomuti palm
gomuti palm, n:
n 1: Malaysian feather palm with base densely clothed with
fibers; yields a sweet sap used in wine and trunk pith
yields sago [syn: sugar palm, gomuti, gomuti palm,
Arenga pinnata]
gomuti palm
gomuti palm
n 1: Malaysian feather palm with base densely clothed with
fibers; yields a sweet sap used in wine and trunk pith
yields sago [syn: sugar palm, gomuti, gomuti palm,
Arenga pinnata]

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