Gournet \Gour"net\ (g[^u]r"n[e^]t), n. (Zool.)
A fish. See Gurnet.
[1913 Webster]
Gurnard \Gur"nard\, Gurnet \Gur"net\n. [OF. gornal, gournal,
gornart, perh. akin to F. grogner to grunt; cf. Ir. guirnead
gurnard.] (Zool.)
One ofseveral European marine fishes, of the genus Trigla
and allied genera, having a large and spiny head, with mailed
cheeks. Some of the species are highly esteemed for food. The
name is sometimes applied to the American sea robins.
[Written also gournet.]
[1913 Webster]

Plyling gurnard. See under Flying.
[1913 Webster]
podobné slovodefinícia
Gournet \Gour"net\ (g[^u]r"n[e^]t), n. (Zool.)
A fish. See Gurnet.
[1913 Webster]Gurnard \Gur"nard\, Gurnet \Gur"net\n. [OF. gornal, gournal,
gornart, perh. akin to F. grogner to grunt; cf. Ir. guirnead
gurnard.] (Zool.)
One ofseveral European marine fishes, of the genus Trigla
and allied genera, having a large and spiny head, with mailed
cheeks. Some of the species are highly esteemed for food. The
name is sometimes applied to the American sea robins.
[Written also gournet.]
[1913 Webster]

Plyling gurnard. See under Flying.
[1913 Webster]

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