Grampus griseus
orc \orc\ ([^o]rk), n. [L. orca, a kind of whale: cf. F. orque.]
1. (Zool.) Any of several cetaceans, especialy the grampus
(Grampus griseus) of the dolphin family. [Written also
ork and orch.] --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

An island salt and bare,
The haunt of seals, and orcs, and sea-mews' clang.
--Milton (Par.
Lost xi. 835).

2. (Mythology) A mythical monster of varying descriptions; an

Goblins, hobgoblins, and orcs of the worst
description. --J. J.
Tolkien (The

3. The orca.
grampus griseus
Grampus griseus
n 1: slaty-grey blunt-nosed dolphin common in northern seas
[syn: grampus, Grampus griseus]
podobné slovodefinícia
grampus griseus
Grampus griseus
n 1: slaty-grey blunt-nosed dolphin common in northern seas
[syn: grampus, Grampus griseus]

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