helpmate,pomocník n: Zdeněk Brož
Helpmate \Help"mate`\, n. [A corruption of the "help meet for
him" of --Genesis ii. 18.--Fitzedward Hall.]
A helper; a companion; specifically, a wife.
[1913 Webster]

In Minorca the ass and the hog are common helpmates,
and are yoked together in order to turn up the land.
[1913 Webster]

A waiting woman was generally considered as the most
suitable helpmate for a parson. --Macaulay.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a helpful partner [syn: helpmate, helpmeet]
HELPMATE, n. A wife, or bitter half.

"Now, why is yer wife called a helpmate, Pat?"
Says the priest. "Since the time 'o yer wooin'
She's niver [sic] assisted in what ye were at --
For it's naught ye are ever doin'."

"That's true of yer Riverence [sic]," Patrick replies,
And no sign of contrition envices;
"But, bedad, it's a fact which the word implies,
For she helps to mate the expinses [sic]!"
Marley Wottel
podobné slovodefinícia
helpmate,pomocník n: Zdeněk Brož
n 1: a helpful partner [syn: helpmate, helpmeet]
HELPMATE, n. A wife, or bitter half.

"Now, why is yer wife called a helpmate, Pat?"
Says the priest. "Since the time 'o yer wooin'
She's niver [sic] assisted in what ye were at --
For it's naught ye are ever doin'."

"That's true of yer Riverence [sic]," Patrick replies,
And no sign of contrition envices;
"But, bedad, it's a fact which the word implies,
For she helps to mate the expinses [sic]!"
Marley Wottel

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