Hertzian, adj:
Hertzian \Hertz"i*an\, a.
Of or pert. to the German physicist Heinrich Hertz.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Hertzian telegraphy, telegraphy by means of the Hertzian
waves; wireless telegraphy.

H. waves, electric waves; -- so called because Hertz was
the first to investigate them systematically. His
apparatus consisted essentially in an oscillator for
producing the waves, and a resonator for detecting them.
The waves were found to have the same velocity as light,
and to undergo reflection, refraction, and polarization.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
adj 1: of or relating to the physicist Heinrich Hertz or his
work; "Hertzian discoveries"
podobné slovodefinícia
Hertzian, adj:
Hertzian telegraphy
Hertzian \Hertz"i*an\, a.
Of or pert. to the German physicist Heinrich Hertz.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Hertzian telegraphy, telegraphy by means of the Hertzian
waves; wireless telegraphy.

H. waves, electric waves; -- so called because Hertz was
the first to investigate them systematically. His
apparatus consisted essentially in an oscillator for
producing the waves, and a resonator for detecting them.
The waves were found to have the same velocity as light,
and to undergo reflection, refraction, and polarization.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
adj 1: of or relating to the physicist Heinrich Hertz or his
work; "Hertzian discoveries"
hertzian wave
Hertzian wave
n 1: an electromagnetic wave generated by oscillations in an
electric circuit

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