Hooded gull
Hooded \Hood"ed\, a.
1. Covered with a hood.
[1913 Webster]

2. Furnished with a hood or something like a hood.
[1913 Webster]

3. Hood-shaped; esp. (Bot.), rolled up like a cornet of
paper; cuculate, as the spethe of the Indian turnip.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Zool.)
(a) Having the head conspicuously different in color from
the rest of the plumage; -- said of birds.
(b) Having a hoodlike crest or prominence on the head or
neck; as, the hooded seal; a hooded snake.
[1913 Webster]

Hooded crow, a European crow (Corvus cornix); -- called
also hoody, dun crow, and royston crow.

Hooded gull, the European black-headed pewit or gull.

Hooded merganser. See Merganser.

Hooded seal, a large North Atlantic seal ({Cystophora
cristata}). The male has a large, inflatible, hoodlike sac
upon the head. Called also hoodcap.

Hooded sheldrake, the hooded merganser. See Merganser.

Hooded snake. See Cobra de capello, Asp, Haje, etc.

Hooded warbler, a small American warbler ({Sylvania
[1913 Webster]
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