slovo | definícia |
hush (mass) | hush
- ticho, stíchnuť, umlčať, upokojiť |
hush (encz) | hush,klid n: Zdeněk Brož |
hush (encz) | hush,mlčenlivý adj: Zdeněk Brož |
hush (encz) | hush,uklidnit v: Zdeněk Brož |
hush (encz) | hush,umlčet v: Zdeněk Brož |
hush (encz) | hush,utišit v: Zdeněk Brož |
hush (encz) | hush,ztichnout v: Zdeněk Brož |
Hush (gcide) | Hush \Hush\, n.
Stillness; silence; quiet. [R.] "It is the hush of night."
[1913 Webster]
Hush money, money paid to secure silence, or to prevent the
disclosure of facts. --Swift.
[1913 Webster] |
Hush (gcide) | Hush \Hush\, a.
Silent; quiet. "Hush as death." --Shak.
[1913 Webster] |
Hush (gcide) | Hush \Hush\ (h[u^]sh), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Hushed (h[u^]sht);
p. pr. & vb. n. Hushing.] [OE. huschen, hussen, prob. of
imitative origin; cf. LG. hussen to lull to sleep, G. husch
quick, make haste, be silent.]
1. To still; to silence; to calm; to make quiet; to repress
the noise or clamor of.
[1913 Webster]
My tongue shall hush again this storm of war.
[1913 Webster]
2. To appease; to allay; to calm; to soothe.
[1913 Webster]
With thou, then,
Hush my cares? --Otway.
[1913 Webster]
And hush'd my deepest grief of all. --Tennyson.
[1913 Webster]
To hush up, to procure silence concerning; to suppress; to
keep secret. "This matter is hushed up." --Pope.
[1913 Webster] |
Hush (gcide) | Hush \Hush\, v. i.
To become or to keep still or quiet; to become silent; --
esp. used in the imperative, as an exclamation; be still; be
silent or quiet; make no noise.
[1913 Webster]
Hush, idle words, and thoughts of ill. --Keble.
[1913 Webster]
But all these strangers' presence every one did hush.
[1913 Webster] |
hush (wn) | hush
n 1: (poetic) tranquil silence; "the still of the night" [syn:
hush, stillness, still]
v 1: become quiet or still; fall silent; "hush my baby!"
2: cause to be quiet or not talk; "Please silence the children
in the church!" [syn: hush, quieten, silence, still,
shut up, hush up] [ant: louden]
3: become quiet or quieter; "The audience fell silent when the
speaker entered" [syn: quieten, hush, quiet, quiesce,
quiet down, pipe down] [ant: louden]
4: wash by removing particles; "Wash ores"
5: run water over the ground to erode (soil), revealing the
underlying strata and valuable minerals |
| podobné slovo | definícia |
hush (mass) | hush
- ticho, stíchnuť, umlčať, upokojiť |
hushed (mass) | hushed
- pokojný, tlmený, utíšený |
hush (encz) | hush,klid n: Zdeněk Brožhush,mlčenlivý adj: Zdeněk Brožhush,uklidnit v: Zdeněk Brožhush,umlčet v: Zdeněk Brožhush,utišit v: Zdeněk Brožhush,ztichnout v: Zdeněk Brož |
hush money (encz) | hush money,výpalné n: Vladislav Kalina |
hush puppy (encz) | hush puppy, |
hush up (encz) | hush up,tutlat v: Zdeněk Brožhush up,ututlat v: Zdeněk Brožhush up,zamlčet v: Zdeněk Brožhush up,zmlknout v: Zdeněk Brožhush up,ztichnout v: Zdeněk Brož |
hush-hush (encz) | hush-hush,velmi tajný Zdeněk Brož |
hushaby (encz) | hushaby,spinkej Zdeněk Brož |
hushabye (encz) | hushabye,spinkej Zdeněk Brož |
hushed (encz) | hushed,poklidný adj: Zdeněk Brožhushed,tlumený adj: Zdeněk Brožhushed,utišený adj: Zdeněk Brož |
hushed up (encz) | hushed up, |
hushed-up (encz) | hushed-up, adj: |
hushes (encz) | hushes, |
hushpuppy (encz) | hushpuppy, n: |
shush (encz) | shush,pst! Zdeněk Brožshush,pšt! Pavel Machek |
Hush money (gcide) | Hush \Hush\, n.
Stillness; silence; quiet. [R.] "It is the hush of night."
[1913 Webster]
Hush money, money paid to secure silence, or to prevent the
disclosure of facts. --Swift.
[1913 Webster] |
Hushed (gcide) | Hush \Hush\ (h[u^]sh), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Hushed (h[u^]sht);
p. pr. & vb. n. Hushing.] [OE. huschen, hussen, prob. of
imitative origin; cf. LG. hussen to lull to sleep, G. husch
quick, make haste, be silent.]
1. To still; to silence; to calm; to make quiet; to repress
the noise or clamor of.
[1913 Webster]
My tongue shall hush again this storm of war.
[1913 Webster]
2. To appease; to allay; to calm; to soothe.
[1913 Webster]
With thou, then,
Hush my cares? --Otway.
[1913 Webster]
And hush'd my deepest grief of all. --Tennyson.
[1913 Webster]
To hush up, to procure silence concerning; to suppress; to
keep secret. "This matter is hushed up." --Pope.
[1913 Webster]hushed \hushed\ (h[u^]sht), adj.
1. having the sound level reduced; -- especially used of the
noise of conversation; as, speaking in hushed tones.
Syn: muted.
[WordNet 1.5]
2. having relatively little noise; as, a hushed church.
Syn: quiet.
[WordNet 1.5] |
hushed (gcide) | Hush \Hush\ (h[u^]sh), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Hushed (h[u^]sht);
p. pr. & vb. n. Hushing.] [OE. huschen, hussen, prob. of
imitative origin; cf. LG. hussen to lull to sleep, G. husch
quick, make haste, be silent.]
1. To still; to silence; to calm; to make quiet; to repress
the noise or clamor of.
[1913 Webster]
My tongue shall hush again this storm of war.
[1913 Webster]
2. To appease; to allay; to calm; to soothe.
[1913 Webster]
With thou, then,
Hush my cares? --Otway.
[1913 Webster]
And hush'd my deepest grief of all. --Tennyson.
[1913 Webster]
To hush up, to procure silence concerning; to suppress; to
keep secret. "This matter is hushed up." --Pope.
[1913 Webster]hushed \hushed\ (h[u^]sht), adj.
1. having the sound level reduced; -- especially used of the
noise of conversation; as, speaking in hushed tones.
Syn: muted.
[WordNet 1.5]
2. having relatively little noise; as, a hushed church.
Syn: quiet.
[WordNet 1.5] |
hushed-up (gcide) | hushed-up \hushed-up\ adj.
kept secret; -- used of reports; as, hushed-up stories
sometimes leak out.
[WordNet 1.5] |
Husher (gcide) | Husher \Hush"er\, n.
An usher. [Obs.] --Spenser.
[1913 Webster] |
Hushing (gcide) | Hush \Hush\ (h[u^]sh), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Hushed (h[u^]sht);
p. pr. & vb. n. Hushing.] [OE. huschen, hussen, prob. of
imitative origin; cf. LG. hussen to lull to sleep, G. husch
quick, make haste, be silent.]
1. To still; to silence; to calm; to make quiet; to repress
the noise or clamor of.
[1913 Webster]
My tongue shall hush again this storm of war.
[1913 Webster]
2. To appease; to allay; to calm; to soothe.
[1913 Webster]
With thou, then,
Hush my cares? --Otway.
[1913 Webster]
And hush'd my deepest grief of all. --Tennyson.
[1913 Webster]
To hush up, to procure silence concerning; to suppress; to
keep secret. "This matter is hushed up." --Pope.
[1913 Webster]Hushing \Hush"ing\, n. (Mining)
The process of washing ore, or of uncovering mineral veins,
by a heavy discharge of water from a reservoir; flushing; --
also called booming and hydraulic mining.
[1913 Webster +PJC] |
Nehushtan (gcide) | Nehushtan \Ne*hush"tan\, n. [Heb.]
A thing of brass; -- the name under which the Israelites
worshiped the brazen serpent made by Moses. --2 Kings xviii.
[1913 Webster] Neif |
To hush up (gcide) | Hush \Hush\ (h[u^]sh), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Hushed (h[u^]sht);
p. pr. & vb. n. Hushing.] [OE. huschen, hussen, prob. of
imitative origin; cf. LG. hussen to lull to sleep, G. husch
quick, make haste, be silent.]
1. To still; to silence; to calm; to make quiet; to repress
the noise or clamor of.
[1913 Webster]
My tongue shall hush again this storm of war.
[1913 Webster]
2. To appease; to allay; to calm; to soothe.
[1913 Webster]
With thou, then,
Hush my cares? --Otway.
[1913 Webster]
And hush'd my deepest grief of all. --Tennyson.
[1913 Webster]
To hush up, to procure silence concerning; to suppress; to
keep secret. "This matter is hushed up." --Pope.
[1913 Webster] |
Unhushed (gcide) | Unhushed \Unhushed\
See hushed. |
hush (wn) | hush
n 1: (poetic) tranquil silence; "the still of the night" [syn:
hush, stillness, still]
v 1: become quiet or still; fall silent; "hush my baby!"
2: cause to be quiet or not talk; "Please silence the children
in the church!" [syn: hush, quieten, silence, still,
shut up, hush up] [ant: louden]
3: become quiet or quieter; "The audience fell silent when the
speaker entered" [syn: quieten, hush, quiet, quiesce,
quiet down, pipe down] [ant: louden]
4: wash by removing particles; "Wash ores"
5: run water over the ground to erode (soil), revealing the
underlying strata and valuable minerals |
hush money (wn) | hush money
n 1: a bribe paid to someone to insure that something is kept
secret |
hush puppy (wn) | hush puppy
n 1: deep-fried cornbread ball (southern) [syn: hush puppy,
hushpuppy] |
hush up (wn) | hush up
v 1: cover up a misdemeanor, fault, or error; "Let's not
whitewash the crimes of Stalin"; "She tried to gloss over
her mistakes" [syn: whitewash, gloss over, {sleek
over}, hush up]
2: cause to be quiet or not talk; "Please silence the children
in the church!" [syn: hush, quieten, silence, still,
shut up, hush up] [ant: louden] |
hush-hush (wn) | hush-hush
adj 1: conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods;
"clandestine intelligence operations"; "cloak-and-dagger
activities behind enemy lines"; "hole-and-corner
intrigue"; "secret missions"; "a secret agent"; "secret
sales of arms"; "surreptitious mobilization of troops";
"an undercover investigation"; "underground resistance"
[syn: clandestine, cloak-and-dagger, {hole-and-
corner(a)}, hugger-mugger, hush-hush, secret,
surreptitious, undercover, underground] |
hushed (wn) | hushed
adj 1: in a softened tone; "hushed voices"; "muted trumpets"; "a
subdued whisper"; "a quiet reprimand" [syn: hushed,
muted, subdued, quiet] |
hushed-up (wn) | hushed-up
adj 1: (used of information or news) kept secret by using
influence; "hushed-up stories sometimes leak out" |
hushing (wn) | hushing
n 1: a fricative sound (especially as an expression of
disapproval); "the performers could not be heard over the
hissing of the audience" [syn: hiss, hissing,
hushing, fizzle, sibilation] |
hushpuppy (wn) | hushpuppy
n 1: deep-fried cornbread ball (southern) [syn: hush puppy,
hushpuppy] |
shush (wn) | shush
v 1: silence (someone) by uttering `shush!' |