hydrophobia,hydrofobie n: Zdeněk Brož
hydrophobia,vzteklina n: Zdeněk Brož
Hydrophobia \Hy`dro*pho"bi*a\, n. [L., fr. Gr. ?; "y`dwr water +
? fear: cf. F. hydrophobie.] (Med.)
(a) An abnormal dread of water, said to be a symptom of
canine madness; hence:
(b) A viral disease trransmitted by a bite from, or
inoculation with the saliva of, a rabid creature, of
which the chief symptoms are, a sense of dryness and
constriction in the throat, causing difficulty in
deglutition, and a marked heightening of reflex
excitability, producing convulsions whenever the patient
attempts to swallow, or is disturbed in any way, as by
the sight or sound of water; rabies; canine madness.
[Written also hydrophoby.]
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a symptom of rabies in humans consisting of an aversion to
swallowing liquids
2: a morbid fear of water
3: an acute viral disease of the nervous system of warm-blooded
animals (usually transmitted by the bite of a rabid animal);
rabies is fatal if the virus reaches the brain [syn:
rabies, hydrophobia, lyssa, madness]
podobné slovodefinícia
hydrophobia,hydrofobie n: Zdeněk Brožhydrophobia,vzteklina n: Zdeněk Brož
n 1: a symptom of rabies in humans consisting of an aversion to
swallowing liquids
2: a morbid fear of water
3: an acute viral disease of the nervous system of warm-blooded
animals (usually transmitted by the bite of a rabid animal);
rabies is fatal if the virus reaches the brain [syn:
rabies, hydrophobia, lyssa, madness]

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