inferior,méněcenný adj:
inferior,podřadný adj:
inferior,špatný adj: Pino
Inferior \In*fe"ri*or\, a. [L., compar. of inferus that is
below, underneath, the lower; akin to E. under: cf. F.
inf['e]rieur. See Under.]
[1913 Webster]
1. Lower in place, rank, value, excellence, etc.; less
important or valuable; subordinate; underneath; beneath.
[1913 Webster]

A thousand inferior and particular propositions.
--I. Watts.
[1913 Webster]

The body, or, as some love to call it, our inferior
nature. --Burke.
[1913 Webster]

Whether they are equal or inferior to my other
poems, an author is the most improper judge.
[1913 Webster]

2. Poor or mediocre; as, an inferior quality of goods.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Astron.)
(a) Nearer the sun than the earth is; as, the inferior or
interior planets; an inferior conjunction of Mercury
or Venus.
(b) Below the horizon; as, the inferior part of a
[1913 Webster]

4. (Bot.)
(a) Situated below some other organ; -- said of a calyx
when free from the ovary, and therefore below it, or
of an ovary with an adherent and therefore inferior
(b) On the side of a flower which is next the bract;
[1913 Webster]

5. (Min.) Junior or subordinate in rank; as, an inferior
[1913 Webster]

Inferior court (Law), a court subject to the jurisdiction
of another court known as the superior court, or {higher

Inferior letter, Inferior figure (Print.), a small letter
or figure standing at the bottom of the line (opposed to
superior letter or figure), as in A2, Bn, 2 and n are
inferior characters.

Inferior tide, the tide corresponding to the moon's transit
of the meridian, when below the horizon.
[1913 Webster]
Inferior \In*fe"ri*or\, n.
A person lower in station, rank, intellect, etc., than
[1913 Webster]

A great person gets more by obliging his inferior than
by disdaining him. --South.
[1913 Webster]
coarsened \coarsened\ adj.
made coarse or crude by lack of skill; -- sometimes used to
mean inferior.
[WordNet 1.5]
adj 1: of or characteristic of low rank or importance [ant:
2: of low or inferior quality [ant: superior]
3: written or printed below and to one side of another character
[syn: subscript, inferior] [ant: adscript, superior,
4: having an orbit between the sun and the Earth's orbit;
"Mercury and Venus are inferior planets" [ant: superior]
5: lower than a given reference point; "inferior alveolar
6: falling short of some prescribed norm; "substandard housing"
[syn: deficient, inferior, substandard]
n 1: one of lesser rank or station or quality [ant: higher-up,
superior, superordinate]
2: a character or symbol set or printed or written beneath or
slightly below and to the side of another character [syn:
subscript, inferior] [ant: superior, superscript]
INFERIOR. One who in relation to another has less power and is below him;
one who is bound to obey another. He who makes the law is the superior; he
who is bound to obey it, the inferior. 1 Bouv. Inst. n. 8.

podobné slovodefinícia
inferior,méněcenný adj: joe@hw.czinferior,podřadný adj: joe@hw.czinferior,špatný adj: Pino
inferior alveolar artery
inferior alveolar artery, n:
inferior cerebellar artery
inferior cerebellar artery, n:
inferior cerebral vein
inferior cerebral vein, n:
inferior colliculus
inferior colliculus, n:
inferior conjunction
inferior conjunction, n:
inferior court
inferior court, n:
inferior epigastric vein
inferior epigastric vein, n:
inferior good
inferior good,podřadný statek [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
inferior labial artery
inferior labial artery, n:
inferior labial vein
inferior labial vein, n:
inferior mesenteric artery
inferior mesenteric artery, n:
inferior ophthalmic vein
inferior ophthalmic vein, n:
inferior planet
inferior planet, n:
inferior pulmonary vein
inferior pulmonary vein, n:
inferior rectus
inferior rectus, n:
inferior rectus muscle
inferior rectus muscle, n:
inferior thalamostriate vein
inferior thalamostriate vein, n:
inferior thyroid vein
inferior thyroid vein, n:
inferior vena cava
inferior vena cava,dolní dutá žíla n: [med.] Jirka Daněk
inferior vocal cord
inferior vocal cord, n:
inferior vocal fold
inferior vocal fold, n:
inferiority,méněcennost n: Zdeněk Brožinferiority,podřadnost n: Zdeněk Brož
inferiority complex
inferiority complex,komplex méněcennosti
rectus inferior
rectus inferior, n:
serratus posterior inferior
serratus posterior inferior, n:
vena epigastrica inferior
vena epigastrica inferior, n:
vena labialis inferior
vena labialis inferior, n:
vena pulmanalis inferior
vena pulmanalis inferior, n:
venae cerebrum inferior
venae cerebrum inferior, n:
deficient inferior substandard
nonstandard \nonstandard\, non-standard \non-standard\adj.
1. varying from or not adhering to a standard; as,
nonstandard windows; envelopes of nonstandard sizes;
non-standard lengths of board cost more per foot. Opposite
of standard. [Narrower terms: {deficient, inferior,

Syn: nonstandard.
[WordNet 1.5]

2. (Linguistics) Not conforming to the language usage of a
prestige group within a community; as, a nonstandard
dialect is one used by uneducated speakers or socially
disfavored groups. Opposite of standard.
[WordNet 1.5]
Inferior \In*fe"ri*or\, a. [L., compar. of inferus that is
below, underneath, the lower; akin to E. under: cf. F.
inf['e]rieur. See Under.]
[1913 Webster]
1. Lower in place, rank, value, excellence, etc.; less
important or valuable; subordinate; underneath; beneath.
[1913 Webster]

A thousand inferior and particular propositions.
--I. Watts.
[1913 Webster]

The body, or, as some love to call it, our inferior
nature. --Burke.
[1913 Webster]

Whether they are equal or inferior to my other
poems, an author is the most improper judge.
[1913 Webster]

2. Poor or mediocre; as, an inferior quality of goods.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Astron.)
(a) Nearer the sun than the earth is; as, the inferior or
interior planets; an inferior conjunction of Mercury
or Venus.
(b) Below the horizon; as, the inferior part of a
[1913 Webster]

4. (Bot.)
(a) Situated below some other organ; -- said of a calyx
when free from the ovary, and therefore below it, or
of an ovary with an adherent and therefore inferior
(b) On the side of a flower which is next the bract;
[1913 Webster]

5. (Min.) Junior or subordinate in rank; as, an inferior
[1913 Webster]

Inferior court (Law), a court subject to the jurisdiction
of another court known as the superior court, or {higher

Inferior letter, Inferior figure (Print.), a small letter
or figure standing at the bottom of the line (opposed to
superior letter or figure), as in A2, Bn, 2 and n are
inferior characters.

Inferior tide, the tide corresponding to the moon's transit
of the meridian, when below the horizon.
[1913 Webster]Inferior \In*fe"ri*or\, n.
A person lower in station, rank, intellect, etc., than
[1913 Webster]

A great person gets more by obliging his inferior than
by disdaining him. --South.
[1913 Webster]coarsened \coarsened\ adj.
made coarse or crude by lack of skill; -- sometimes used to
mean inferior.
[WordNet 1.5]
Inferior \In*fe"ri*or\, a. [L., compar. of inferus that is
below, underneath, the lower; akin to E. under: cf. F.
inf['e]rieur. See Under.]
[1913 Webster]
1. Lower in place, rank, value, excellence, etc.; less
important or valuable; subordinate; underneath; beneath.
[1913 Webster]

A thousand inferior and particular propositions.
--I. Watts.
[1913 Webster]

The body, or, as some love to call it, our inferior
nature. --Burke.
[1913 Webster]

Whether they are equal or inferior to my other
poems, an author is the most improper judge.
[1913 Webster]

2. Poor or mediocre; as, an inferior quality of goods.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Astron.)
(a) Nearer the sun than the earth is; as, the inferior or
interior planets; an inferior conjunction of Mercury
or Venus.
(b) Below the horizon; as, the inferior part of a
[1913 Webster]

4. (Bot.)
(a) Situated below some other organ; -- said of a calyx
when free from the ovary, and therefore below it, or
of an ovary with an adherent and therefore inferior
(b) On the side of a flower which is next the bract;
[1913 Webster]

5. (Min.) Junior or subordinate in rank; as, an inferior
[1913 Webster]

Inferior court (Law), a court subject to the jurisdiction
of another court known as the superior court, or {higher

Inferior letter, Inferior figure (Print.), a small letter
or figure standing at the bottom of the line (opposed to
superior letter or figure), as in A2, Bn, 2 and n are
inferior characters.

Inferior tide, the tide corresponding to the moon's transit
of the meridian, when below the horizon.
[1913 Webster]Inferior \In*fe"ri*or\, n.
A person lower in station, rank, intellect, etc., than
[1913 Webster]

A great person gets more by obliging his inferior than
by disdaining him. --South.
[1913 Webster]coarsened \coarsened\ adj.
made coarse or crude by lack of skill; -- sometimes used to
mean inferior.
[WordNet 1.5]
Inferior court
Inferior \In*fe"ri*or\, a. [L., compar. of inferus that is
below, underneath, the lower; akin to E. under: cf. F.
inf['e]rieur. See Under.]
[1913 Webster]
1. Lower in place, rank, value, excellence, etc.; less
important or valuable; subordinate; underneath; beneath.
[1913 Webster]

A thousand inferior and particular propositions.
--I. Watts.
[1913 Webster]

The body, or, as some love to call it, our inferior
nature. --Burke.
[1913 Webster]

Whether they are equal or inferior to my other
poems, an author is the most improper judge.
[1913 Webster]

2. Poor or mediocre; as, an inferior quality of goods.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Astron.)
(a) Nearer the sun than the earth is; as, the inferior or
interior planets; an inferior conjunction of Mercury
or Venus.
(b) Below the horizon; as, the inferior part of a
[1913 Webster]

4. (Bot.)
(a) Situated below some other organ; -- said of a calyx
when free from the ovary, and therefore below it, or
of an ovary with an adherent and therefore inferior
(b) On the side of a flower which is next the bract;
[1913 Webster]

5. (Min.) Junior or subordinate in rank; as, an inferior
[1913 Webster]

Inferior court (Law), a court subject to the jurisdiction
of another court known as the superior court, or {higher

Inferior letter, Inferior figure (Print.), a small letter
or figure standing at the bottom of the line (opposed to
superior letter or figure), as in A2, Bn, 2 and n are
inferior characters.

Inferior tide, the tide corresponding to the moon's transit
of the meridian, when below the horizon.
[1913 Webster]
Inferior figure
Inferior \In*fe"ri*or\, a. [L., compar. of inferus that is
below, underneath, the lower; akin to E. under: cf. F.
inf['e]rieur. See Under.]
[1913 Webster]
1. Lower in place, rank, value, excellence, etc.; less
important or valuable; subordinate; underneath; beneath.
[1913 Webster]

A thousand inferior and particular propositions.
--I. Watts.
[1913 Webster]

The body, or, as some love to call it, our inferior
nature. --Burke.
[1913 Webster]

Whether they are equal or inferior to my other
poems, an author is the most improper judge.
[1913 Webster]

2. Poor or mediocre; as, an inferior quality of goods.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Astron.)
(a) Nearer the sun than the earth is; as, the inferior or
interior planets; an inferior conjunction of Mercury
or Venus.
(b) Below the horizon; as, the inferior part of a
[1913 Webster]

4. (Bot.)
(a) Situated below some other organ; -- said of a calyx
when free from the ovary, and therefore below it, or
of an ovary with an adherent and therefore inferior
(b) On the side of a flower which is next the bract;
[1913 Webster]

5. (Min.) Junior or subordinate in rank; as, an inferior
[1913 Webster]

Inferior court (Law), a court subject to the jurisdiction
of another court known as the superior court, or {higher

Inferior letter, Inferior figure (Print.), a small letter
or figure standing at the bottom of the line (opposed to
superior letter or figure), as in A2, Bn, 2 and n are
inferior characters.

Inferior tide, the tide corresponding to the moon's transit
of the meridian, when below the horizon.
[1913 Webster]
Inferior letter
Inferior \In*fe"ri*or\, a. [L., compar. of inferus that is
below, underneath, the lower; akin to E. under: cf. F.
inf['e]rieur. See Under.]
[1913 Webster]
1. Lower in place, rank, value, excellence, etc.; less
important or valuable; subordinate; underneath; beneath.
[1913 Webster]

A thousand inferior and particular propositions.
--I. Watts.
[1913 Webster]

The body, or, as some love to call it, our inferior
nature. --Burke.
[1913 Webster]

Whether they are equal or inferior to my other
poems, an author is the most improper judge.
[1913 Webster]

2. Poor or mediocre; as, an inferior quality of goods.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Astron.)
(a) Nearer the sun than the earth is; as, the inferior or
interior planets; an inferior conjunction of Mercury
or Venus.
(b) Below the horizon; as, the inferior part of a
[1913 Webster]

4. (Bot.)
(a) Situated below some other organ; -- said of a calyx
when free from the ovary, and therefore below it, or
of an ovary with an adherent and therefore inferior
(b) On the side of a flower which is next the bract;
[1913 Webster]

5. (Min.) Junior or subordinate in rank; as, an inferior
[1913 Webster]

Inferior court (Law), a court subject to the jurisdiction
of another court known as the superior court, or {higher

Inferior letter, Inferior figure (Print.), a small letter
or figure standing at the bottom of the line (opposed to
superior letter or figure), as in A2, Bn, 2 and n are
inferior characters.

Inferior tide, the tide corresponding to the moon's transit
of the meridian, when below the horizon.
[1913 Webster]
Inferior tide
Inferior \In*fe"ri*or\, a. [L., compar. of inferus that is
below, underneath, the lower; akin to E. under: cf. F.
inf['e]rieur. See Under.]
[1913 Webster]
1. Lower in place, rank, value, excellence, etc.; less
important or valuable; subordinate; underneath; beneath.
[1913 Webster]

A thousand inferior and particular propositions.
--I. Watts.
[1913 Webster]

The body, or, as some love to call it, our inferior
nature. --Burke.
[1913 Webster]

Whether they are equal or inferior to my other
poems, an author is the most improper judge.
[1913 Webster]

2. Poor or mediocre; as, an inferior quality of goods.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Astron.)
(a) Nearer the sun than the earth is; as, the inferior or
interior planets; an inferior conjunction of Mercury
or Venus.
(b) Below the horizon; as, the inferior part of a
[1913 Webster]

4. (Bot.)
(a) Situated below some other organ; -- said of a calyx
when free from the ovary, and therefore below it, or
of an ovary with an adherent and therefore inferior
(b) On the side of a flower which is next the bract;
[1913 Webster]

5. (Min.) Junior or subordinate in rank; as, an inferior
[1913 Webster]

Inferior court (Law), a court subject to the jurisdiction
of another court known as the superior court, or {higher

Inferior letter, Inferior figure (Print.), a small letter
or figure standing at the bottom of the line (opposed to
superior letter or figure), as in A2, Bn, 2 and n are
inferior characters.

Inferior tide, the tide corresponding to the moon's transit
of the meridian, when below the horizon.
[1913 Webster]Tide \Tide\, n. [AS. t[imac]d time; akin to OS. & OFries.
t[imac]d, D. tijd, G. zeit, OHG. z[imac]t, Icel. t[imac]?,
Sw. & Dan. tid, and probably to Skr. aditi unlimited,
endless, where a- is a negative prefix. [root]58. Cf.
Tidings, Tidy, Till, prep., Time.]
1. Time; period; season. [Obsoles.] "This lusty summer's
tide." --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

And rest their weary limbs a tide. --Spenser.
[1913 Webster]

Which, at the appointed tide,
Each one did make his bride. --Spenser.
[1913 Webster]

At the tide of Christ his birth. --Fuller.
[1913 Webster]

2. The alternate rising and falling of the waters of the
ocean, and of bays, rivers, etc., connected therewith. The
tide ebbs and flows twice in each lunar day, or the space
of a little more than twenty-four hours. It is occasioned
by the attraction of the sun and moon (the influence of
the latter being three times that of the former), acting
unequally on the waters in different parts of the earth,
thus disturbing their equilibrium. A high tide upon one
side of the earth is accompanied by a high tide upon the
opposite side. Hence, when the sun and moon are in
conjunction or opposition, as at new moon and full moon,
their action is such as to produce a greater than the
usual tide, called the spring tide, as represented in
the cut. When the moon is in the first or third quarter,
the sun's attraction in part counteracts the effect of the
moon's attraction, thus producing under the moon a smaller
tide than usual, called the neap tide.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The flow or rising of the water is called flood tide,
and the reflux, ebb tide.
[1913 Webster]

3. A stream; current; flood; as, a tide of blood. "Let in the
tide of knaves once more; my cook and I'll provide."
[1913 Webster]

4. Tendency or direction of causes, influences, or events;
course; current.
[1913 Webster]

There is a tide in the affairs of men,
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune.
[1913 Webster]

5. Violent confluence. [Obs.] --Bacon.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Mining) The period of twelve hours.
[1913 Webster]

Atmospheric tides, tidal movements of the atmosphere
similar to those of the ocean, and produced in the same
manner by the attractive forces of the sun and moon.

Inferior tide. See under Inferior, a.

To work double tides. See under Work, v. t.

Tide day, the interval between the occurrences of two
consecutive maxima of the resultant wave at the same
place. Its length varies as the components of sun and moon
waves approach to, or recede from, one another. A
retardation from this cause is called the lagging of the
tide, while the acceleration of the recurrence of high
water is termed the priming of the tide. See {Lag of the
tide}, under 2d Lag.

Tide dial, a dial to exhibit the state of the tides at any

Tide gate.
(a) An opening through which water may flow freely when
the tide sets in one direction, but which closes
automatically and prevents the water from flowing in
the other direction.
(b) (Naut.) A place where the tide runs with great
velocity, as through a gate.

Tide gauge, a gauge for showing the height of the tide;
especially, a contrivance for registering the state of the
tide continuously at every instant of time. --Brande & C.

Tide lock, a lock situated between an inclosed basin, or a
canal, and the tide water of a harbor or river, when they
are on different levels, so that craft can pass either way
at all times of the tide; -- called also guard lock.

Tide mill. (a) A mill operated by the tidal currents.
(b) A mill for clearing lands from tide water.

Tide rip, a body of water made rough by the conflict of
opposing tides or currents.

Tide table, a table giving the time of the rise and fall of
the tide at any place.

Tide water, water affected by the flow of the tide; hence,
broadly, the seaboard.

Tide wave, or Tidal wave, the swell of water as the tide
moves. That of the ocean is called primitive; that of bays
or channels derivative. See also tidal wave in the
vocabulary. --Whewell.

Tide wheel, a water wheel so constructed as to be moved by
the ebb or flow of the tide.
[1913 Webster]
Inferiority \In*fe`ri*or"i*ty\, [Cf. F. inf['e]riorit['e].]
The state of being inferior; a lower state or condition; as,
inferiority of rank, of talents, of age, of worth.
[1913 Webster]

A deep sense of our own great inferiority. --Boyle.
[1913 Webster]
Inferiorly \In*fe"ri*or*ly\, adv.
In an inferior manner, or on the inferior part.
[1913 Webster]
arteria alveolaris inferior
arteria alveolaris inferior
n 1: the alveolar artery that goes through the mandibular canal
to supply the lower teeth [syn: inferior alveolar artery,
arteria alveolaris inferior]
arteria labialis inferior
arteria labialis inferior
n 1: an artery that is a branch of the facial artery that
supplies the lower lip [syn: inferior labial artery,
arteria labialis inferior]
adj 1: of or characteristic of low rank or importance [ant:
2: of low or inferior quality [ant: superior]
3: written or printed below and to one side of another character
[syn: subscript, inferior] [ant: adscript, superior,
4: having an orbit between the sun and the Earth's orbit;
"Mercury and Venus are inferior planets" [ant: superior]
5: lower than a given reference point; "inferior alveolar
6: falling short of some prescribed norm; "substandard housing"
[syn: deficient, inferior, substandard]
n 1: one of lesser rank or station or quality [ant: higher-up,
superior, superordinate]
2: a character or symbol set or printed or written beneath or
slightly below and to the side of another character [syn:
subscript, inferior] [ant: superior, superscript]
inferior alveolar artery
inferior alveolar artery
n 1: the alveolar artery that goes through the mandibular canal
to supply the lower teeth [syn: inferior alveolar artery,
arteria alveolaris inferior]
inferior cerebellar artery
inferior cerebellar artery
n 1: the inferior branch of the cerebellar artery
inferior cerebral vein
inferior cerebral vein
n 1: veins that drain the undersurface of the cerebral
hemispheres and empty into the cavernous and transverse
sinuses [syn: inferior cerebral vein, {venae cerebrum
inferior colliculus
inferior colliculus
n 1: an essential auditory center in the midbrain
inferior conjunction
inferior conjunction
n 1: (astronomy) the alignment of the Earth and a planet on the
same side of the sun
inferior court
inferior court
n 1: any court whose decisions can be appealed to a higher court
[syn: inferior court, lower court]
inferior epigastric vein
inferior epigastric vein
n 1: empties into the external iliac vein [syn: {inferior
epigastric vein}, vena epigastrica inferior]
inferior labial artery
inferior labial artery
n 1: an artery that is a branch of the facial artery that
supplies the lower lip [syn: inferior labial artery,
arteria labialis inferior]
inferior labial vein
inferior labial vein
n 1: a tributary of the facial vein that drains the lower lip
[syn: inferior labial vein, vena labialis inferior]
inferior mesenteric artery
inferior mesenteric artery
n 1: arises near the lower end of the aorta and supplies the
large intestine
inferior ophthalmic vein
inferior ophthalmic vein
n 1: a vein that drains a venous network in the floor and medial
wall of the eye socket
inferior planet
inferior planet
n 1: any of the planets whose orbit lies inside the earth's
inferior pulmonary vein
inferior pulmonary vein
n 1: either of two pulmonary veins (left and right) returning
blood from the inferior lobes of the lungs [syn: {inferior
pulmonary vein}, vena pulmanalis inferior]
inferior rectus
inferior rectus
n 1: the ocular muscle whose contraction turns the eyeball down
and medially [syn: inferior rectus muscle, {inferior
rectus}, rectus inferior]
inferior rectus muscle
inferior rectus muscle
n 1: the ocular muscle whose contraction turns the eyeball down
and medially [syn: inferior rectus muscle, {inferior
rectus}, rectus inferior]
inferior thalamostriate vein
inferior thalamostriate vein
n 1: tributaries to the basal vein [syn: {inferior
thalamostriate vein}, striate vein]
inferior thyroid vein
inferior thyroid vein
n 1: any of several veins on each side that drain the thyroid
gland and empty into the innominate vein
inferior vena cava
inferior vena cava
n 1: receives blood from lower limbs and abdominal organs and
empties into the posterior part of the right atrium of the
heart; formed from the union of the two iliac veins [syn:
inferior vena cava, postcava]
inferior vocal cord
inferior vocal cord
n 1: either of the two lower vocal folds that come together to
form the glottis; produce a vocal tone when they are
approximated and air from the lungs passes between them
[syn: true vocal cord, true vocal fold, {inferior vocal
cord}, inferior vocal fold]
inferior vocal fold
inferior vocal fold
n 1: either of the two lower vocal folds that come together to
form the glottis; produce a vocal tone when they are
approximated and air from the lungs passes between them
[syn: true vocal cord, true vocal fold, {inferior vocal
cord}, inferior vocal fold]
n 1: the state of being inferior [syn: inferiority, {lower
status}, lower rank]
2: an inferior quality [syn: inferiority, low quality] [ant:
high quality, superiority]
3: the quality of being a competitive disadvantage [syn:
inferiority, unfavorable position]
inferiority complex
inferiority complex
n 1: a sense of personal inferiority arising from conflict
between the desire to be noticed and the fear of being
rectus inferior
rectus inferior
n 1: the ocular muscle whose contraction turns the eyeball down
and medially [syn: inferior rectus muscle, {inferior
rectus}, rectus inferior]
serratus posterior inferior
serratus posterior inferior
n 1: a thin quadrilateral muscle at the junction of the thoracic
and lumbar regions; acts to counteract the pull of the
diaphragm on the ribs to which it is attached
vena epigastrica inferior
vena epigastrica inferior
n 1: empties into the external iliac vein [syn: {inferior
epigastric vein}, vena epigastrica inferior]
vena labialis inferior
vena labialis inferior
n 1: a tributary of the facial vein that drains the lower lip
[syn: inferior labial vein, vena labialis inferior]
vena pulmanalis inferior
vena pulmanalis inferior
n 1: either of two pulmonary veins (left and right) returning
blood from the inferior lobes of the lungs [syn: {inferior
pulmonary vein}, vena pulmanalis inferior]
venae cerebrum inferior
venae cerebrum inferior
n 1: veins that drain the undersurface of the cerebral
hemispheres and empty into the cavernous and transverse
sinuses [syn: inferior cerebral vein, {venae cerebrum
INFERIOR COURTS. By this term are understood all courts except the supreme
courts. An inferior court is a court of limited jurisdiction, and it must
appear on the face of its proceedings that it has jurisdiction, or its
proceedings. will be void. 3 Bouv. Inst. n. 2529.

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na vytvorenie tejto webstránky bol pužitý dictd server s dátami z a z iných voľne dostupných dictd databáz. Ak máte klienta na dictd protokol (napríklad kdict), použite zdroj a port 2628.

online slovník, sk-spell - slovníkové dáta, IZ Bratislava, Malé Karpaty - turistika, Michal Páleník, správy, údaje o okresoch V4