ice skate
ice skate,brusle Martin Ligač
ice skate
ice skate,bruslit v: Martin Ligač
Ice skate
Ice skate \Ice" skate`\n.
A shoe with a metal runner (called a blade) attached to
permit the wearer to glide on ice.
ice skate
ice skate
n 1: skate consisting of a boot with a steel blade fitted to the
v 1: move along on ice skates
podobné slovodefinícia
ice skate
ice skate,brusle Martin Ligačice skate,bruslit v: Martin Ligač
ice skater
ice skater,krasobruslař n: Martin Ligač
Ice skater
Ice skater \Ice" skat`er\n.
One who skates on ice wearing an ice skate; esp. an athlete
who performs athletic or artistic movements on a sheet of
ice, wearing ice skates; a speed skater or a {figure
ice skate
ice skate
n 1: skate consisting of a boot with a steel blade fitted to the
v 1: move along on ice skates

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