ictus,iktus Josef Kosek
ictus,záchvat Josef Kosek
Ictus \Ic"tus\, n. [L., fr. icere, ictum, to strike.]
1. (Pros.) The stress of voice laid upon accented syllable of
a word. Cf. Arsis.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Med.) A stroke or blow, as in a sunstroke, the sting of
an insect, pulsation of an artery, etc.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a sudden occurrence (or recurrence) of a disease; "he
suffered an epileptic seizure" [syn: seizure, ictus,
podobné slovodefinícia
ictus,iktus Josef Kosekictus,záchvat Josef Kosek
rictus,škleb n: Jakub Kalousekrictus,zobák n: Jakub Kalousek
Benedictus \Ben`e*dic"tus\, n. [L., blessed. See Benedict, a.]
The song of Zacharias at the birth of John the Baptist
(--Luke i. 68); -- so named from the first word of the Latin
[1913 Webster]
Carduus benedictus
Thistle \This"tle\, n. [OE. thistil, AS. [thorn]istel; akin to
D. & G. distel, OHG. distila, distil, Icel. [thorn]istill,
Sw. tistel, Dan. tidsel; of uncertain origin.] (Bot.)
Any one of several prickly composite plants, especially those
of the genera Cnicus, Craduus, and Onopordon. The name
is often also applied to other prickly plants.
[1913 Webster]

Blessed thistle, Carduus benedictus, so named because it
was formerly considered an antidote to the bite of
venomous creatures.

Bull thistle, Cnicus lanceolatus, the common large
thistle of neglected pastures.

Canada thistle, Cnicus arvensis, a native of Europe, but
introduced into the United States from Canada.

Cotton thistle, Onopordon Acanthium.

Fuller's thistle, the teasel.

Globe thistle, Melon thistle, etc. See under Globe,
Melon, etc.

Pine thistle, Atractylis gummifera, a native of the
Mediterranean region. A vicid gum resin flows from the

Scotch thistle, either the cotton thistle, or the musk
thistle, or the spear thistle; -- all used national
emblems of Scotland.

Sow thistle, Sonchus oleraceus.

Spear thistle. Same as Bull thistle.

Star thistle, a species of Centaurea. See Centaurea.

Torch thistle, a candelabra-shaped plant of the genus
Cereus. See Cereus.

Yellow thistle, Cincus horridulus.
[1913 Webster]

Thistle bird (Zool.), the American goldfinch, or
yellow-bird (Spinus tristis); -- so called on account of
its feeding on the seeds of thistles. See Illust. under

Thistle butterfly (Zool.), a handsomely colored American
butterfly (Vanessa cardui) whose larva feeds upon
thistles; -- called also painted lady.

Thistle cock (Zool.), the corn bunting ({Emberiza
militaria}). [Prov. Eng.]

Thistle crown, a gold coin of England of the reign of James
I., worth four shillings.

Thistle finch (Zool.), the goldfinch; -- so called from its
fondness for thistle seeds. [Prov. Eng.]

Thistle funnel, a funnel having a bulging body and flaring
[1913 Webster]
Francolinus pictus
Partridge \Par"tridge\ (p[aum]r"tr[i^]j), n. [OE. partriche,
pertriche, OF. pertris, perdriz, F. perdrix, L. perdix,
-icis, fr. Gr. pe`rdix.] (Zool.)
1. Any one of numerous species of small gallinaceous birds of
the genus Perdix and several related genera of the
family Perdicid[ae], of the Old World. The partridge is
noted as a game bird.
[1913 Webster]

Full many a fat partrich had he in mew. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The common European, or gray, partridge ({Perdix
cinerea}) and the red-legged partridge ({Caccabis
rubra}) of Southern Europe and Asia are well-known
[1913 Webster]

2. Any one of several species of quail-like birds belonging
to Colinus, and allied genera. [U.S.]
[1913 Webster]

Note: Among them are the bobwhite (Colinus Virginianus) of
the Eastern States; the plumed, or mountain, partridge
(Oreortyx pictus) of California; the Massena
partridge (Cyrtonyx Montezum[ae]); and the California
partridge (Callipepla Californica).
[1913 Webster]

3. The ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus). [New Eng.]
[1913 Webster]

Bamboo partridge (Zool.), a spurred partridge of the genus
Bambusicola. Several species are found in China and the
East Indies.

Night partridge (Zool.), the woodcock. [Local, U.S.]

Painted partridge (Zool.), a francolin of South Africa
(Francolinus pictus).

Partridge berry. (Bot.)
(a) The scarlet berry of a trailing american plant
(Mitchella repens) of the order Rubiace[ae],
having roundish evergreen leaves, and white fragrant
flowers sometimes tinged with purple, growing in pairs
with the ovaries united, and producing the berries
which remain over winter; also, the plant itself.
(b) The fruit of the creeping wintergreen ({Gaultheria
procumbens}); also, the plant itself.

Partridge dove (Zool.) Same as Mountain witch, under

Partridge pea (Bot.), a yellow-flowered leguminous herb
(Cassia Cham[ae]crista), common in sandy fields in the
Eastern United States.

Partridge shell (Zool.), a large marine univalve shell
(Dolium perdix), having colors variegated like those of
the partridge.

Partridge wood
(a) A variegated wood, much esteemed for cabinetwork. It
is obtained from tropical America, and one source of
it is said to be the leguminous tree Andira inermis.
Called also pheasant wood.
(b) A name sometimes given to the dark-colored and
striated wood of some kind of palm, which is used for
walking sticks and umbrella handles.

Sea partridge (Zool.), an Asiatic sand partridge
(Ammoperdix Bonhami); -- so called from its note.

Snow partridge (Zool.), a large spurred partridge ({Lerwa
nivicola}) which inhabits the high mountains of Asia;
called also jermoonal.

Spruce partridge. See under Spruce.

Wood partridge, or Hill partridge (Zool.), any small
Asiatic partridge of the genus Arboricola.
[1913 Webster]
Lycaon pictus
African wild dog \African wild dog\ n.
1. 1 (Zool.) a dog (Lycaon pictus) with mottled fur found
in Africa, notable for the strong social structure of its
family groups.

Syn: painted wolf, African hunting dog.
[PJC] Afrite
Oreortyx pictus
Partridge \Par"tridge\ (p[aum]r"tr[i^]j), n. [OE. partriche,
pertriche, OF. pertris, perdriz, F. perdrix, L. perdix,
-icis, fr. Gr. pe`rdix.] (Zool.)
1. Any one of numerous species of small gallinaceous birds of
the genus Perdix and several related genera of the
family Perdicid[ae], of the Old World. The partridge is
noted as a game bird.
[1913 Webster]

Full many a fat partrich had he in mew. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The common European, or gray, partridge ({Perdix
cinerea}) and the red-legged partridge ({Caccabis
rubra}) of Southern Europe and Asia are well-known
[1913 Webster]

2. Any one of several species of quail-like birds belonging
to Colinus, and allied genera. [U.S.]
[1913 Webster]

Note: Among them are the bobwhite (Colinus Virginianus) of
the Eastern States; the plumed, or mountain, partridge
(Oreortyx pictus) of California; the Massena
partridge (Cyrtonyx Montezum[ae]); and the California
partridge (Callipepla Californica).
[1913 Webster]

3. The ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus). [New Eng.]
[1913 Webster]

Bamboo partridge (Zool.), a spurred partridge of the genus
Bambusicola. Several species are found in China and the
East Indies.

Night partridge (Zool.), the woodcock. [Local, U.S.]

Painted partridge (Zool.), a francolin of South Africa
(Francolinus pictus).

Partridge berry. (Bot.)
(a) The scarlet berry of a trailing american plant
(Mitchella repens) of the order Rubiace[ae],
having roundish evergreen leaves, and white fragrant
flowers sometimes tinged with purple, growing in pairs
with the ovaries united, and producing the berries
which remain over winter; also, the plant itself.
(b) The fruit of the creeping wintergreen ({Gaultheria
procumbens}); also, the plant itself.

Partridge dove (Zool.) Same as Mountain witch, under

Partridge pea (Bot.), a yellow-flowered leguminous herb
(Cassia Cham[ae]crista), common in sandy fields in the
Eastern United States.

Partridge shell (Zool.), a large marine univalve shell
(Dolium perdix), having colors variegated like those of
the partridge.

Partridge wood
(a) A variegated wood, much esteemed for cabinetwork. It
is obtained from tropical America, and one source of
it is said to be the leguminous tree Andira inermis.
Called also pheasant wood.
(b) A name sometimes given to the dark-colored and
striated wood of some kind of palm, which is used for
walking sticks and umbrella handles.

Sea partridge (Zool.), an Asiatic sand partridge
(Ammoperdix Bonhami); -- so called from its note.

Snow partridge (Zool.), a large spurred partridge ({Lerwa
nivicola}) which inhabits the high mountains of Asia;
called also jermoonal.

Spruce partridge. See under Spruce.

Wood partridge, or Hill partridge (Zool.), any small
Asiatic partridge of the genus Arboricola.
[1913 Webster]Plume \Plume\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Plumed; p. pr. & vb. n.
Pluming.] [Cf. F. plumer to pluck, to strip, L. plumare to
cover with feathers.]
1. To pick and adjust the plumes or feathers of; to dress or
[1913 Webster]

Pluming her wings among the breezy bowers. --W.
[1913 Webster]

2. To strip of feathers; to pluck; to strip; to pillage;
also, to peel. [Obs.] --Bacon. Dryden.
[1913 Webster]

3. To adorn with feathers or plumes. "Farewell the plumed
troop." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

4. To pride; to vaunt; to boast; -- used reflexively; as, he
plumes himself on his skill. --South.
[1913 Webster]

Plumed adder (Zool.), an African viper (Vipera cornuta,
syn. Clotho cornuta), having a plumelike structure over
each eye. It is venomous, and is related to the African
puff adder. Called also horned viper and hornsman.

Plumed partridge (Zool.), the California mountain quail
(Oreortyx pictus). See Mountain quail, under
[1913 Webster]Mountain \Moun"tain\ (moun"t[i^]n), a.
1. Of or pertaining to a mountain or mountains; growing or
living on a mountain; found on or peculiar to mountains;
among mountains; as, a mountain torrent; mountain pines;
mountain goats; mountain air; mountain howitzer.
[1913 Webster]

2. Like a mountain; mountainous; vast; very great.
[1913 Webster]

The high, the mountain majesty of worth. --Byron.
[1913 Webster]

Mountain antelope (Zool.), the goral.

Mountain ash (Bot.), an ornamental tree, the {Pyrus
Americana} (or Sorbus Americana), producing beautiful
bunches of red berries. Its leaves are pinnate, and its
flowers white, growing in fragrant clusters. The European
species is the Pyrus aucuparia, or rowan tree.

Mountain barometer, a portable barometer, adapted for safe
transportation, used in measuring the heights of

Mountain beaver (Zool.), the sewellel.

Mountain blue (Min.), blue carbonate of copper; azurite.

Mountain cat (Zool.), the catamount. See Catamount.

Mountain chain, a series of contiguous mountain ranges,
generally in parallel or consecutive lines or curves.

Mountain cock (Zool.), capercailzie. See Capercailzie.

Mountain cork (Min.), a variety of asbestus, resembling
cork in its texture.

Mountain crystal. See under Crystal.

Mountain damson (Bot.), a large tree of the genus
Simaruba (Simaruba amarga) growing in the West Indies,
which affords a bitter tonic and astringent, sometimes
used in medicine.

Mountain dew, Scotch whisky, so called because often
illicitly distilled among the mountains. [Humorous]

Mountain ebony (Bot.), a small leguminous tree ({Bauhinia
variegata}) of the East and West Indies; -- so called
because of its dark wood. The bark is used medicinally and
in tanning.

Mountain flax (Min.), a variety of asbestus, having very
fine fibers; amianthus. See Amianthus.

Mountain fringe (Bot.), climbing fumitory. See under

Mountain goat. (Zool.) See Mazama.

Mountain green. (Min.)
(a) Green malachite, or carbonate of copper.
(b) See Green earth, under Green, a.

Mountain holly (Bot.), a branching shrub ({Nemopanthes
Canadensis}), having smooth oblong leaves and red berries.
It is found in the Northern United States.

Mountain laurel (Bot.), an American shrub ({Kalmia
latifolia}) with glossy evergreen leaves and showy
clusters of rose-colored or white flowers. The foliage is
poisonous. Called also American laurel, ivy bush, and
calico bush. See Kalmia.

Mountain leather (Min.), a variety of asbestus, resembling
leather in its texture.

Mountain licorice (Bot.), a plant of the genus Trifolium
(Trifolium Alpinum).

Mountain limestone (Geol.), a series of marine limestone
strata below the coal measures, and above the old red
standstone of Great Britain. See Chart of Geology.

Mountain linnet (Zool.), the twite.

Mountain magpie. (Zool.)
(a) The yaffle, or green woodpecker.
(b) The European gray shrike.

Mountain mahogany (Bot.) See under Mahogany.

Mountain meal (Min.), a light powdery variety of calcite,
occurring as an efflorescence.

Mountain milk (Min.), a soft spongy variety of carbonate of

Mountain mint. (Bot.) See Mint.

Mountain ousel (Zool.), the ring ousel; -- called also
mountain thrush and mountain colley. See Ousel.

Mountain pride, or Mountain green (Bot.), a tree of
Jamaica (Spathelia simplex), which has an unbranched
palmlike stem, and a terminal cluster of large, pinnate

Mountain quail (Zool.), the plumed partridge ({Oreortyx
pictus}) of California. It has two long, slender,
plumelike feathers on the head. The throat and sides are
chestnut; the belly is brown with transverse bars of black
and white; the neck and breast are dark gray.

Mountain range, a series of mountains closely related in
position and direction.

Mountain rice. (Bot.)
(a) An upland variety of rice, grown without irrigation,
in some parts of Asia, Europe, and the United States.
(b) An American genus of grasses (Oryzopsis).

Mountain rose (Bot.), a species of rose with solitary
flowers, growing in the mountains of Europe ({Rosa

Mountain soap (Min.), a soft earthy mineral, of a brownish
color, used in crayon painting; saxonite.

Mountain sorrel (Bot.), a low perennial plant ({Oxyria
digyna} with rounded kidney-form leaves, and small
greenish flowers, found in the White Mountains of New
Hampshire, and in high northern latitudes. --Gray.

Mountain sparrow (Zool.), the European tree sparrow.

Mountain spinach. (Bot.) See Orach.

Mountain tobacco (Bot.), a composite plant ({Arnica
montana}) of Europe; called also leopard's bane.

Mountain witch (Zool.), a ground pigeon of Jamaica, of the
genus Geotrygon.
[1913 Webster]
Oxylebius pictus
convictfish \convictfish\ n.
a type of greenling (Oxylebius pictus) with a whitish body
marked with black bands.

Syn: painted greenling, Oxylebius pictus.
[WordNet 1.5]
Pylodictus olivaris
mudcat \mudcat\, mud cat \mud cat\n.
A large catfish (Pylodictus olivaris, formerly {Leptops
olivaris}) of the central U. S. having a flattened head and
projecting jaw.

Syn: flathead catfish, goujon, shovelnose catfish, spoonbill
catfish, Pylodictus olivaris.
[WordNet 1.5] mud-dauber
Rictus \Ric"tus\, n. [L., the aperture of the mouth.]
The gape of the mouth, as of birds; -- often resricted to the
corners of the mouth.
[1913 Webster]
Victus \Vic"tus\, n. [L.] (Zool.)
Food; diet.
[1913 Webster] Vicuna
aedes albopictus
Aedes albopictus
n 1: striped native of Japan thriving in southwestern and
midwestern United States and spreading to the Caribbean;
potential carrier of serious diseases [syn: {Asian tiger
mosquito}, Aedes albopictus]
aramus pictus
Aramus pictus
n 1: wading bird of Florida, Cuba and Jamaica having a drooping
bill and a distinctive wailing call [syn: limpkin,
Aramus pictus]
chrysolophus pictus
Chrysolophus pictus
n 1: brightly colored crested pheasant of mountains of western
and central Asia [syn: golden pheasant, {Chrysolophus
cnicus benedictus
Cnicus benedictus
n 1: annual of Mediterranean to Portugal having hairy stems and
minutely spiny-toothed leaves and large heads of yellow
flowers [syn: blessed thistle, sweet sultan, {Cnicus
genus pylodictus
genus Pylodictus
n 1: flathead catfishes [syn: Pylodictus, genus Pylodictus]
n 1: a sudden occurrence (or recurrence) of a disease; "he
suffered an epileptic seizure" [syn: seizure, ictus,
lycaon pictus
Lycaon pictus
n 1: a powerful doglike mammal of southern and eastern Africa
that hunts in large packs; now rare in settled area [syn:
African hunting dog, hyena dog, Cape hunting dog,
Lycaon pictus]
oxylebius pictus
Oxylebius pictus
n 1: greenling with whitish body marked with black bands [syn:
painted greenling, convict fish, convictfish,
Oxylebius pictus]
pomacentrus leucostictus
Pomacentrus leucostictus
n 1: a blue and yellow damselfish of Bermuda and Florida and the
West Indies [syn: beaugregory, {Pomacentrus
n 1: flathead catfishes [syn: Pylodictus, genus Pylodictus]
pylodictus olivaris
Pylodictus olivaris
n 1: large catfish of central United States having a flattened
head and projecting jaw [syn: flathead catfish, mudcat,
goujon, shovelnose catfish, spoonbill catfish,
Pylodictus olivaris]
n 1: a gaping grimace
ICTUS ORBIS, med. jurisp. A maim, a bruise, or swelling; any hurt without
cutting the skin. When the skin is cut, the injury is called a wound. (q.v.)
Bract. lib. 2, tr. 2, c. 5 and 24.
2. Ictus is often used by medical authors in the sense of percussus. It
is applied to the pulsation of the arteries, to any external lesion of the
body produced by violence also to the wound inflicted by a scorpion or
venomous reptile. Orbis is used in the sense of circlo, circuit, rotundity.
It is applied also to the eye balls. Oculi dicuntur orbes. Castelli Lexicon

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