illiac iv
Illiac IV

One of the most infamous supercomputers ever. It
used early ideas on SIMD (single instruction stream,
multiple data streams). The project started in 1965, it used
64 processors and a 13MHz clock. In 1976 it ran its first
sucessfull application. It had 1MB memory (64x16KB).

Its actual performance was 15 MFLOPS, it was estimated in
initial predictions to be 1000 MFLOPS. It totally failed as a
computer, only a quarter of the fully planned machine was ever
built, costs escalated from the $8 million estimated in 1966
to $31 million by 1972, and the computer took three more years
of enginering before it was operational.

The only good it did was to push research forward a bit,
leading way for machines such as the Thinking Machines
CM-1 and CM-2.

podobné slovodefinícia
illiac iv
Illiac IV

One of the most infamous supercomputers ever. It
used early ideas on SIMD (single instruction stream,
multiple data streams). The project started in 1965, it used
64 processors and a 13MHz clock. In 1976 it ran its first
sucessfull application. It had 1MB memory (64x16KB).

Its actual performance was 15 MFLOPS, it was estimated in
initial predictions to be 1000 MFLOPS. It totally failed as a
computer, only a quarter of the fully planned machine was ever
built, costs escalated from the $8 million estimated in 1966
to $31 million by 1972, and the computer took three more years
of enginering before it was operational.

The only good it did was to push research forward a bit,
leading way for machines such as the Thinking Machines
CM-1 and CM-2.

lilliac iv

A supercomputer designed in the late 1960s at the
University of Illinois which had 64 separate CPUs all
supervised by a common control unit and all capable of
operating simultaneously.


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