- ostrovný, ostrov
- IS, ISL, Iceland
- IS, ISL, Iceland
island,ostrov n:
island,ostrovní Zdeněk Brož
island,ostrůvek n: Zdeněk Brož
Island,Iceland[zem.] n:
Island \Is"land\, n. [OE. iland, yland, AS. [imac]gland, ?gland,
?glond; [imac]g, ?g, island + land, lond, land. AS. [imac]g,
?g, is akin to AS. e['a] water, river, OHG. ?uwa, G. au
meadow, Icel. ey island, Dan. & Sw. ["o], Goth. ahwa a
stream, water, L. aqua water. The s is due to confusion with
isle. Cf. Ait, Eyot, Ewer, Aquatic.]
[1913 Webster]
1. A tract of land surrounded by water, and smaller than a
continent. Cf. Continent.
[1913 Webster]

2. Anything regarded as resembling an island; as, an island
of ice.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Zool.) See Isle, n., 2.
[1913 Webster]

Islands of the blessed (Myth.), islands supposed to lie in
the Western Ocean, where the favorites of the gods are
conveyed at death, and dwell in everlasting joy.
[1913 Webster]
Island \Is"land\, v. t.
1. To cause to become or to resemble an island; to make an
island or islands of; to isle. --Shelley.
[1913 Webster]

2. To furnish with an island or with islands; as, to island
the deep. --Southey.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a land mass (smaller than a continent) that is surrounded
by water
2: a zone or area resembling an island
ISLAND. A piece of land surrounded by water.
2. Islands are in the sea or in rivers. Those in the sea are either in
the open sea, or within the boundary of some country.
3. When new islands arise in the open sea, they belong to the first
occupant: but when they are newly formed so near the shore as to be within
the boundary of some state, they belong to that state.
4. Islands which arise in rivets when in the middle of the stream,
belong in equal parts to the riparian proprietors when they arise. mostly on
one side, they will belong to the riparian owners up to the middle of the
stream. Bract. lib. 2, c. 2; Fleta, lib. 3, c. 2, s. 6; 2 Bl. 261; 1 Swift's
Dig. 111; Schult. Aq. R. 117; Woolr. on Waters: 38; 4 Pick. R. 268; Dougl.
R. 441; 10 Wend. 260; 14 S. & R. 1. For the law of Louisiana, see Civil
Code, art. 505, 507.
5. The doctrine of the common law on this subject, founded on reason,
seems to have been borrowed from the civil law. Vide Inst. 2, 1, 22; Dig.
41, 1, 7; Code, 7; 41, 1.

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[zem.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
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Island,Iceland[zem.] n:
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islandština,Icelandicn: Zdeněk Brož
peněžní jednotka na islandu
peněžní jednotka na Islandu,krona Zdeněk Brožpeněžní jednotka na Islandu,kronur Zdeněk Brož
Canary Island til tree
Til tree \Til tree\ (t[i^]l; t[=e]l). (Bot.)
(a) Var. of Teil tree.
(b) An ill-smelling lauraceous tree (Ocotea foetens) of the
Canary Islands; -- sometimes distinguished as {Canary
Island til tree}.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Cetaria Islandica
Cetraric \Ce*trar"ic\, a.
Pertaining to, or derived from, the lichen, Iceland moss
(Cetaria Islandica).
[1913 Webster]

Cetraric acid. See Cetrarin.
[1913 Webster]
Cetraria Islandica
Cetrarin \Cet"ra*rin\, n. [From Cetraria Islandica, the
scientific name of Iceland moss.] (Chem.)
A white substance extracted from the lichen, Iceland moss
(Cetraria Islandica). It consists of several ingredients,
among which is cetraric acid, a white, crystalline, bitter
[1913 Webster]
Demi-island \Dem"i-is`land\, n.
Peninsula. [Obs.] --Knolles.
[1913 Webster]
Falco Islandicus
Gyrfalcon \Gyr"fal`con\ (j[~e]r"f[add]`k'n), n. [OE. gerfaucon,
OF. gerfaucon, LL. gyrofalco, perh. fr. L. gyrus circle +
falco falcon, and named from its circling flight; or cf. E.
gier-eagle. See Gyre, n., Falcon.] (Zool.)
One of several species and varieties of large Arctic falcons,
esp. Falco rusticolus and the white species {Falco
Islandicus}, both of which are circumpolar. The black and the
gray are varieties of the former. See Illust. of Accipiter.
[Written also gerfalcon, gierfalcon, and jerfalcon.]
[1913 Webster]
Floating island
Floating \Float"ing\, a.
1. Buoyed upon or in a fluid; a, the floating timbers of a
wreck; floating motes in the air.
[1913 Webster]

2. Free or lose from the usual attachment; as, the floating
ribs in man and some other animals.
[1913 Webster]

3. Not funded; not fixed, invested, or determined; as,
floating capital; a floating debt.
[1913 Webster]

Trade was at an end. Floating capital had been
withdrawn in great masses from the island.
[1913 Webster]

Floating anchor (Naut.), a drag or sea anchor; drag sail.

Floating battery (Mil.), a battery erected on rafts or the
hulls of ships, chiefly for the defense of a coast or the
bombardment of a place.

Floating bridge.
(a) A bridge consisting of rafts or timber, with a floor
of plank, supported wholly by the water; a bateau
bridge. See Bateau.
(b) (Mil.) A kind of double bridge, the upper one
projecting beyond the lower one, and capable of being
moved forward by pulleys; -- used for carrying troops
over narrow moats in attacking the outworks of a fort.
(c) A kind of ferryboat which is guided and impelled by
means of chains which are anchored on each side of a
stream, and pass over wheels on the vessel, the wheels
being driven by stream power.
(d) The landing platform of a ferry dock.

Floating cartilage (Med.), a cartilage which moves freely
in the cavity of a joint, and often interferes with the
functions of the latter.

Floating dam.
(a) An anchored dam.
(b) A caisson used as a gate for a dry dock.

Floating derrick, a derrick on a float for river and harbor
use, in raising vessels, moving stone for harbor
improvements, etc.

Floating dock. (Naut.) See under Dock.

Floating harbor, a breakwater of cages or booms, anchored
and fastened together, and used as a protection to ships
riding at anchor to leeward. --Knight.

Floating heart (Bot.), a small aquatic plant ({Limnanthemum
lacunosum}) whose heart-shaped leaves float on the water
of American ponds.

Floating island, a dish for dessert, consisting of custard
with floating masses of whipped cream or white of eggs.

Floating kidney. (Med.) See Wandering kidney, under

Floating light, a light shown at the masthead of a vessel
moored over sunken rocks, shoals, etc., to warn mariners
of danger; a light-ship; also, a light erected on a buoy
or floating stage.

Floating liver. (Med.) See Wandering liver, under

Floating pier, a landing stage or pier which rises and
falls with the tide.

Floating ribs (Anat.), the lower or posterior ribs which
are not connected with the others in front; in man they
are the last two pairs.

Floating screed (Plastering), a strip of plastering first
laid on, to serve as a guide for the thickness of the

Floating threads (Weaving), threads which span several
other threads without being interwoven with them, in a
woven fabric.
[1913 Webster]
Glaucionetta Islandica
Golden-eye \Gold"en-eye`\ (g[=o]ld"'n*[imac]), n. (Zool.)
A duck (Glaucionetta clangula), found in Northern Europe,
Asia, and America. The American variety (var. Americana) is
larger. Called whistler, garrot, gowdy, pied widgeon,
whiteside, curre, and doucker. Barrow's golden-eye of
America (Glaucionetta Islandica) is less common.
[1913 Webster]
Islander \Is"land*er\, n.
An inhabitant of an island.
[1913 Webster]
Islands of the blessed
Island \Is"land\, n. [OE. iland, yland, AS. [imac]gland, ?gland,
?glond; [imac]g, ?g, island + land, lond, land. AS. [imac]g,
?g, is akin to AS. e['a] water, river, OHG. ?uwa, G. au
meadow, Icel. ey island, Dan. & Sw. ["o], Goth. ahwa a
stream, water, L. aqua water. The s is due to confusion with
isle. Cf. Ait, Eyot, Ewer, Aquatic.]
[1913 Webster]
1. A tract of land surrounded by water, and smaller than a
continent. Cf. Continent.
[1913 Webster]

2. Anything regarded as resembling an island; as, an island
of ice.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Zool.) See Isle, n., 2.
[1913 Webster]

Islands of the blessed (Myth.), islands supposed to lie in
the Western Ocean, where the favorites of the gods are
conveyed at death, and dwell in everlasting joy.
[1913 Webster]
Islandy \Is"land*y\, a.
Of or pertaining to islands; full of islands. --Cotgrave.
[1913 Webster]
Lagoon island
lagoon \la*goon"\ (l[.a]*g[=oo]n"), n. [It. or Sp. laguna, L.
lacuna ditch, pool, pond, lacus lake. See Lake, and cf.
Lacuna.] [Written also lagune.]
1. A shallow sound, channel, pond, or lake, especially one
into which the sea flows; as, the lagoons of Venice.
[1913 Webster]

2. A lake in a coral island, often occupying a large portion
of its area, and usually communicating with the sea. See
[1913 Webster]

Lagoon island, a coral island consisting of a narrow reef
encircling a lagoon.
[1913 Webster] Lagophthalmia
Maldive Islands
Maldive Islands \Maldive Islands\ prop. n.
A group of about 2000 islands in the Indian ocean; also known
as the Maldives.
[WordNet 1.5]

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