j. random hacker
J. Random Hacker

/J rand'm hak'r/ MIT jargon for a mythical figure;
the archetypal hacker nerd.

This may originally have been inspired by "J. Fred Muggs", a
show-biz chimpanzee whose name was a household word back in
the early days of TMRC, and was probably influenced by
J. Presper Eckert (one of the co-inventors of the electronic

See random, Suzie COBOL.

j. random hacker
J. Random Hacker
/J rand'm hak´r/, n.

[very common] A mythical figure like the Unknown Soldier; the archetypal
hacker nerd. This term is one of the oldest in the jargon, apparently going
back to MIT in the 1960s. See random, Suzie COBOL. This may originally
have been inspired by ‘J. Fred Muggs’, a show-biz chimpanzee whose name was
a household word back in the early days of TMRC, and was probably
influenced by ‘J. Presper Eckert’ (one of the co-inventors of the
electronic computer). See also Fred Foobar.
podobné slovodefinícia
j. random hacker
J. Random Hacker

/J rand'm hak'r/ MIT jargon for a mythical figure;
the archetypal hacker nerd.

This may originally have been inspired by "J. Fred Muggs", a
show-biz chimpanzee whose name was a household word back in
the early days of TMRC, and was probably influenced by
J. Presper Eckert (one of the co-inventors of the electronic

See random, Suzie COBOL.

j. random hacker
J. Random Hacker
/J rand'm hak´r/, n.

[very common] A mythical figure like the Unknown Soldier; the archetypal
hacker nerd. This term is one of the oldest in the jargon, apparently going
back to MIT in the 1960s. See random, Suzie COBOL. This may originally
have been inspired by ‘J. Fred Muggs’, a show-biz chimpanzee whose name was
a household word back in the early days of TMRC, and was probably
influenced by ‘J. Presper Eckert’ (one of the co-inventors of the
electronic computer). See also Fred Foobar.

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