slovo | definícia |
Jetson (gcide) | Jetsam \Jet"sam\, Jetson \Jet"son\, n. [F. jeter to throw: cf.
OF. getaison a throwing. Cf. Flotsam, Jettison.]
1. (Mar. Law) Goods which sink when cast into the sea, and
remain under water; -- distinguished from flotsam, goods
which float, and ligan (or lagan), goods which are
sunk attached to a buoy.
[1913 Webster]
2. The act of throwing objects from a ship to lighten the
load; jettison[1]. See Jettison, 1.
[1913 Webster]
3. Hence: Anything thrown overboard from a ship, whether
floating or not.
4. Hence: [fig.] Objects scattered about in a disorderly
manner; as, he couldn't find his sneakers among the jetsam
in his room. [Colloq.]
[PJC] |
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