Kinetoscope \Ki*ne"to*scope\, n. [Originally a tradename, 1894.]
An obsolete form of moving picture viewer, in which a film
carrying successive instantaneous views of a moving scene
travels uniformly through the field of a magnifying glass.
The observer sees each picture, momentarily, through a slit
in a revolving disk, and these glimpses, blended by
persistence of vision, give the impression of continuous
motion. It has been superseded by more recent versions of
movie projector and electronic video viewers.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
kinetoscope \ki*ne"to*scope\ (k[-i]*n[=e]`t[-o]*sk[=o]p; 277),
n. [Gr. kinhto`s movable + -scope.]
An instrument for producing curves by the combination of
circular movements; -- called also kinescope. --Cope.
[1913 Webster]
Cinematograph \Cin`e*mat"o*graph\, n. [Gr. ?, ?, motion +
1. an older name for a movie projector, a machine,
combining magic lantern and kinetoscope features, for
projecting on a screen a series of pictures, moved rapidly
(25 to 50 frames per second) and intermittently before an
objective lens, and producing by persistence of vision the
illusion of continuous motion; a moving-picture projector;
also, any of several other machines or devices producing
moving pictorial effects. Other older names for the {movie
projector} are animatograph, biograph, bioscope,
electrograph, electroscope, kinematograph,
kinetoscope, veriscope, vitagraph, vitascope,
zoogyroscope, zoopraxiscope, etc.

The cinematograph, invented by Edison in 1894, is
the result of the introduction of the flexible film
into photography in place of glass. --Encyc. Brit.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

2. A camera for taking chronophotographs for exhibition by
the instrument described above.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
n 1: a device invented by Edison that gave an impression of
movement as an endless loop of film moved continuously over
a light source with a rapid shutter; precursor of the
modern motion picture
podobné slovodefinícia
Kinetoscope \Ki*ne"to*scope\, n. [Originally a tradename, 1894.]
An obsolete form of moving picture viewer, in which a film
carrying successive instantaneous views of a moving scene
travels uniformly through the field of a magnifying glass.
The observer sees each picture, momentarily, through a slit
in a revolving disk, and these glimpses, blended by
persistence of vision, give the impression of continuous
motion. It has been superseded by more recent versions of
movie projector and electronic video viewers.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]kinetoscope \ki*ne"to*scope\ (k[-i]*n[=e]`t[-o]*sk[=o]p; 277),
n. [Gr. kinhto`s movable + -scope.]
An instrument for producing curves by the combination of
circular movements; -- called also kinescope. --Cope.
[1913 Webster]Cinematograph \Cin`e*mat"o*graph\, n. [Gr. ?, ?, motion +
1. an older name for a movie projector, a machine,
combining magic lantern and kinetoscope features, for
projecting on a screen a series of pictures, moved rapidly
(25 to 50 frames per second) and intermittently before an
objective lens, and producing by persistence of vision the
illusion of continuous motion; a moving-picture projector;
also, any of several other machines or devices producing
moving pictorial effects. Other older names for the {movie
projector} are animatograph, biograph, bioscope,
electrograph, electroscope, kinematograph,
kinetoscope, veriscope, vitagraph, vitascope,
zoogyroscope, zoopraxiscope, etc.

The cinematograph, invented by Edison in 1894, is
the result of the introduction of the flexible film
into photography in place of glass. --Encyc. Brit.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

2. A camera for taking chronophotographs for exhibition by
the instrument described above.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
n 1: a device invented by Edison that gave an impression of
movement as an endless loop of film moved continuously over
a light source with a rapid shutter; precursor of the
modern motion picture

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