LICET SAEPIUS REQUISITUS, pleading. practice. Although often requested. It
is usually alleged in the declaration that the defendant, licet saepius
requisitus, &c., he did not perform the contract, the violation of which is
the foundation of the action. The allegation is generally sufficient when a
request is not parcel of the contract. Indeed, in such cases it is
unnecessary even to lay a general request, for the bringing of the suit is
itself a sufficient request. 1 Saund. 33, n. 2; 2 Saund, 118 note 3; Plowd.
128; 1 Wils. 33; 2 H. BI. 131; 1 John. Cas. 99, 319; 7 John. R. 462; 18
John. R. 485; 3 M. & S. 150. Vide Demand.

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