slovo | definícia |
linpack (foldoc) | LINPACK
1. A package of linear algebra routines.
2. The kernel benchmark developed from the "LINPACK" package
of linear algebra routines. It was written by Jack Dongarra
in Fortran and is commonly used in
that language but there is also a C version.
Source Code by FTP: {single precision Fortran
{double precision Fortran
C (
| podobné slovo | definícia |
linpack (foldoc) | LINPACK
1. A package of linear algebra routines.
2. The kernel benchmark developed from the "LINPACK" package
of linear algebra routines. It was written by Jack Dongarra
in Fortran and is commonly used in
that language but there is also a C version.
Source Code by FTP: {single precision Fortran
{double precision Fortran
C (
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