
1. Linguaggio Procedure Grafiche (Italian for "Graphical
Procedures Language"). dott. Gabriele Selmi. Roughly a cross
between Fortran and APL, with graphical-oriented extensions
and several peculiarities. Underlies the products of CAD.LAB
Spa. "Graphical Procedure Language User's Guide and Reference
Manual", CAD.LAB, Bologna, Italy, 1989, order code GO89/9.

2. Langage de Programmation Generique. An applicative
language, both specification and functional. Special emphasis
on parametrised declarations. "Design and Implementation of a
Generic, Logic and Functional Programming Language", D. Bert
et al, ESOP 86, LNCS 213, Springer 1986.
podobné slovodefinícia

1. Linguaggio Procedure Grafiche (Italian for "Graphical
Procedures Language"). dott. Gabriele Selmi. Roughly a cross
between Fortran and APL, with graphical-oriented extensions
and several peculiarities. Underlies the products of CAD.LAB
Spa. "Graphical Procedure Language User's Guide and Reference
Manual", CAD.LAB, Bologna, Italy, 1989, order code GO89/9.

2. Langage de Programmation Generique. An applicative
language, both specification and functional. Special emphasis
on parametrised declarations. "Design and Implementation of a
Generic, Logic and Functional Programming Language", D. Bert
et al, ESOP 86, LNCS 213, Springer 1986.

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