Lasser celandine
Celandine \Cel"an*dine\ (s[e^]l"[a^]n*d[imac]n), n. [OE.
celidoine, OF. celidoine, F. ch['e]lidoine, fr. L. chelidonia
(sc. herba), fr. chelidonius pertaining to the swallow, Gr.
chelido`nios, fr. chelidw`n the swallow, akin to L. hirundo a
swallow.] (Bot.)
A perennial herbaceous plant (Chelidonium majus) of the
poppy family, with yellow flowers. It is used as a medicine
in jaundice, etc., and its acrid saffron-colored juice is
used to cure warts and the itch; -- called also {greater
celandine} and swallowwort.
[1913 Webster]

Lasser celandine, the pilewort (Ranunculus Ficaria).
[1913 Webster]
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