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Limoges ware (gcide) | Limoges \Li*moges"\ (l[-e]*m[=o]zh"), prop. n.
1. A city of Southern France.
[1913 Webster]
2. A variety of fine porcelain manufactured at Limoges[1];
also called Limoges ware or Limoges China.
Limoges enamel, a kind of enamel ware in which the enamel
is applied to the whole surface of a metal plaque, vase,
or the like, and painted in enamel colors. The art was
brought to a high degree of perfection in Limoges in the
16th century.
Limoges ware.
(a) Articles decorated with Limoges enamel.
(b) Articles of porcelain, etc., manufactured at Limoges.
[1913 Webster] |
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