local exchange carrier
local exchange carrier

(LEC) A company allowed to handle local calls
following the break-up of the Bell system in the US by
anti-trust regulators. These vary from Regional Bell
Operating Companies (RBOC) through to small independents such
as Farmers Cooperative.

Local exchange carriers are not allowed to handle
long-distance traffic. This is handled by inter-exchange
carriers (IXC) who are not allowed to handle local calls.

podobné slovodefinícia
local exchange carrier
local exchange carrier

(LEC) A company allowed to handle local calls
following the break-up of the Bell system in the US by
anti-trust regulators. These vary from Regional Bell
Operating Companies (RBOC) through to small independents such
as Farmers Cooperative.

Local exchange carriers are not allowed to handle
long-distance traffic. This is handled by inter-exchange
carriers (IXC) who are not allowed to handle local calls.


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