lumpsucker, n:
Lumpsucker \Lump"suck`er\, n. (Zool.)
The lumpfish.
[1913 Webster]
Lumpfish \Lump"fish`\, n. [From Lump, on account of its
bulkiness: cf. G. & D. lump, F. lompe.] (Zool.)
A large, thick, clumsy, marine fish (Cyclopterus lumpus) of
Europe and America. The color is usually translucent sea
green, sometimes purplish. It has a dorsal row of spiny
tubercles, and three rows on each side, but has no scales.
The ventral fins unite and form a ventral sucker for adhesion
to stones and seaweeds. Called also lumpsucker,
cock-paddle, sea owl.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: any of several very small lumpfishes
podobné slovodefinícia
lumpsucker, n:
Lumpsucker \Lump"suck`er\, n. (Zool.)
The lumpfish.
[1913 Webster]Lumpfish \Lump"fish`\, n. [From Lump, on account of its
bulkiness: cf. G. & D. lump, F. lompe.] (Zool.)
A large, thick, clumsy, marine fish (Cyclopterus lumpus) of
Europe and America. The color is usually translucent sea
green, sometimes purplish. It has a dorsal row of spiny
tubercles, and three rows on each side, but has no scales.
The ventral fins unite and form a ventral sucker for adhesion
to stones and seaweeds. Called also lumpsucker,
cock-paddle, sea owl.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: any of several very small lumpfishes

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