MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. That science which applies the principles and
practice of the different branches of medicine to the elucidation of
doubtful questions in courts of justice. By some authors, it is used in a
more extensive sense and also comprehends Medical Police, or those medical
precepts which may prove useful to the legislature or the magistracy. Some
authors, instead of using the phrase medical jurisprudence, employ, to
convey the same idea, those of legal medicine, forensic medicine, or, as the
Germans have it, state medicine.
2. The best American writers on this subject are Doctors T. R. Beck and
J. B. Beck, Elements of Medical Jurisprudence; Doctor Thomas Cooper; Doctor
James S. Stringham, who was the first individual to deliver a course of
lectures on medical jurisprudence, in this country; Doctor Charles Caldwell.
Among the British writers may be enumerated Doctor John Gordon Smith; Doctor
Male; Doctor Paris and Mr. Fonblanque, who published a joint work; Mr.
Chitty, and Dr. Ryan. The French writers are numerous; Briand, Biessy,
Esquirol, Georget, Falret, Trebuchet, Mare, and others, have written
treatises or published papers on this subject; the learned Fodere published
a work entitled "Les Lois eclairees par les sciences physiques ou Traite de
Medecine Legale et d'hygiene publique;" the "Annale d'hygiene et de Medecine
Legale," is one of the most valued works on this subject. Among the Germans
may be found Rose's Manual on Medico Legal Dissection; Metzger's Principles
of Legal Medicine, and others. The reader is referred for a list of authors
and their works on Medical Jurisprudence, to Dupin, Profession d'Avocat,
tom. ii., p. 343, art. 1617 to 1636, bis. For a history of the rise and
progress of Medical Jurisprudence, see Traill, Med. Jur. 13.

podobné slovodefinícia
Medical jurisprudence
Jurisprudence \Ju`ris*pru"dence\, n. [L. jurisprudentia; jus,
juris, right, law + prudentia a foreseeing, knowledge of a
matter, prudence: cf. F. jurisprudence. See Just, a., and
The science of juridical law; the knowledge of the laws,
customs, and rights of men in a state or community, necessary
for the due administration of justice.
[1913 Webster]

The talents of Abelard were not confined to theology,
jurisprudence, philosophy. --J. Warton.
[1913 Webster]

Medical jurisprudence, that branch of juridical law which
concerns questions of medicine.
[1913 Webster]

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