Manchineel \Man`chi*neel"\, n. [Sp. manzanillo, fr. manzana an
apple, fr. L. malum Matianum a kind of apple. So called from
its apple-like fruit.] (Bot.)
A euphorbiaceous tree (Hippomane Mancinella) of tropical
America, having a poisonous and blistering milky juice, and
poisonous acrid fruit somewhat resembling an apple.
[1913 Webster]

Bastard manchineel, a tree (Cameraria latifolia) of the
East Indies, having similar poisonous properties.
[1913 Webster]
podobné slovodefinícia
Bastard manchineel
Manchineel \Man`chi*neel"\, n. [Sp. manzanillo, fr. manzana an
apple, fr. L. malum Matianum a kind of apple. So called from
its apple-like fruit.] (Bot.)
A euphorbiaceous tree (Hippomane Mancinella) of tropical
America, having a poisonous and blistering milky juice, and
poisonous acrid fruit somewhat resembling an apple.
[1913 Webster]

Bastard manchineel, a tree (Cameraria latifolia) of the
East Indies, having similar poisonous properties.
[1913 Webster]

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