Marseillais \Mar`sei`llais"\, n. m. Marseillaise
\Mar`sei`llaise"\, n. f.[F.]
A native or inhabitant of Marseilles.
[1913 Webster]
Marseillais \Mar`sei`llais"\, a. m. Marseillaise
\Mar`sei`llaise"\, a. f.[F.]
Of or pertaining to Marseilles, in France, or to its
[1913 Webster]

Marseillaise hymn, or The Marseillaise, the national
anthem of France, popularly so called. It was composed in
1792, by Rouget de l'Isle, an officer then stationed at
Strasburg. In Paris it was sung for the first time by the
band of men who came from Marseilles to aid in the
revolution of August 10, 1792; whence the name.
[1913 Webster] Marseillais
n 1: the French national anthem
podobné slovodefinícia
Marseillaise hymn
Marseillais \Mar`sei`llais"\, a. m. Marseillaise
\Mar`sei`llaise"\, a. f.[F.]
Of or pertaining to Marseilles, in France, or to its
[1913 Webster]

Marseillaise hymn, or The Marseillaise, the national
anthem of France, popularly so called. It was composed in
1792, by Rouget de l'Isle, an officer then stationed at
Strasburg. In Paris it was sung for the first time by the
band of men who came from Marseilles to aid in the
revolution of August 10, 1792; whence the name.
[1913 Webster] Marseillais
The Marseillaise
Marseillais \Mar`sei`llais"\, a. m. Marseillaise
\Mar`sei`llaise"\, a. f.[F.]
Of or pertaining to Marseilles, in France, or to its
[1913 Webster]

Marseillaise hymn, or The Marseillaise, the national
anthem of France, popularly so called. It was composed in
1792, by Rouget de l'Isle, an officer then stationed at
Strasburg. In Paris it was sung for the first time by the
band of men who came from Marseilles to aid in the
revolution of August 10, 1792; whence the name.
[1913 Webster] Marseillais
n 1: the French national anthem

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