megascopic, adj:
Megascopic \Meg`a*scop"ic\, Megascopical \Meg`a*scop"ic*al\, a.
1. (Physics) Of or pertaining to the megascope or the
projection upon a screen of images of opaque objects.
(b) Enlarged or magnified; -- said of images or of
photographic pictures, etc.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

2. (Geol.) Large enough to be seen; -- said of the larger
structural features and components of rocks which do not
require the use of the microscope to be perceived. Opposed
to microscopic.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
adj 1: visible to the naked eye (especially of rocks and
anatomical features) [syn: megascopic, gross]
podobné slovodefinícia
megascopic, adj:
Megascopic \Meg`a*scop"ic\, Megascopical \Meg`a*scop"ic*al\, a.
1. (Physics) Of or pertaining to the megascope or the
projection upon a screen of images of opaque objects.
(b) Enlarged or magnified; -- said of images or of
photographic pictures, etc.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

2. (Geol.) Large enough to be seen; -- said of the larger
structural features and components of rocks which do not
require the use of the microscope to be perceived. Opposed
to microscopic.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
adj 1: visible to the naked eye (especially of rocks and
anatomical features) [syn: megascopic, gross]

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