milfoil,řebříček obecný n: [bot.] Petr Prášek
Milfoil \Mil"foil\, n. [F. mille-feuille, L. millefolium; mille
thousand + folium leaf. See Foil a leaf.] (Bot.)
A common composite herb (Achillea Millefolium) with white
flowers and finely dissected leaves; yarrow.
[1913 Webster]

Water milfoil (Bot.), an aquatic herb with dissected leaves
[1913 Webster]
Yarrow \Yar"row\, n. [OE. yarowe, yarwe, [yogh]arowe, AS.
gearwe; akin to D. gerw, OHG. garwa, garawa, G. garbe,
schafgarbe, and perhaps to E. yare.] (Bot.)
An American and European composite plant ({Achillea
Millefolium}) with very finely dissected leaves and small
white corymbed flowers. It has a strong, and somewhat
aromatic, odor and taste, and is sometimes used in making
beer, or is dried for smoking. Called also milfoil, and
[1913 Webster]
n 1: ubiquitous strong-scented mat-forming Eurasian herb of
wasteland, hedgerow or pasture having narrow serrate leaves
and small usually white florets; widely naturalized in
North America [syn: yarrow, milfoil, {Achillea
podobné slovodefinícia
milfoil,řebříček obecný n: [bot.] Petr Prášek
water milfoil
water milfoil, n:
water-milfoil family
water-milfoil family, n:
Milfoil \Mil"foil\, n. [F. mille-feuille, L. millefolium; mille
thousand + folium leaf. See Foil a leaf.] (Bot.)
A common composite herb (Achillea Millefolium) with white
flowers and finely dissected leaves; yarrow.
[1913 Webster]

Water milfoil (Bot.), an aquatic herb with dissected leaves
[1913 Webster]Yarrow \Yar"row\, n. [OE. yarowe, yarwe, [yogh]arowe, AS.
gearwe; akin to D. gerw, OHG. garwa, garawa, G. garbe,
schafgarbe, and perhaps to E. yare.] (Bot.)
An American and European composite plant ({Achillea
Millefolium}) with very finely dissected leaves and small
white corymbed flowers. It has a strong, and somewhat
aromatic, odor and taste, and is sometimes used in making
beer, or is dried for smoking. Called also milfoil, and
[1913 Webster]
Water milfoil
Milfoil \Mil"foil\, n. [F. mille-feuille, L. millefolium; mille
thousand + folium leaf. See Foil a leaf.] (Bot.)
A common composite herb (Achillea Millefolium) with white
flowers and finely dissected leaves; yarrow.
[1913 Webster]

Water milfoil (Bot.), an aquatic herb with dissected leaves
[1913 Webster]Water milfoil \Wa"ter mil"foil\ (Bot.)
Any plant of the genus Myriophyllum, aquatic herbs with
whorled leaves, the submersed ones pinnately parted into
capillary divisions.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: ubiquitous strong-scented mat-forming Eurasian herb of
wasteland, hedgerow or pasture having narrow serrate leaves
and small usually white florets; widely naturalized in
North America [syn: yarrow, milfoil, {Achillea
water milfoil
water milfoil
n 1: an aquatic plant of the genus Myriophyllum having feathery
underwater leaves and small inconspicuous flowers
water-milfoil family
water-milfoil family
n 1: a family of dicotyledonous plants of the order Myrtales
[syn: Haloragidaceae, family Haloragidaceae,
Haloragaceae, family Haloragaceae, {water-milfoil

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