Mort stone
Mort \Mort\, n. [F., death, fr. L. mors, mortis.]
1. Death; esp., the death of game in the chase.
[1913 Webster]

2. A note or series of notes sounded on a horn at the death
of game.
[1913 Webster]

The sportsman then sounded a treble mort. --Sir W.
[1913 Webster]

3. The skin of a sheep or lamb that has died of disease.
[Prov. Eng. & Scot.]
[1913 Webster]

Mort cloth, the pall spread over a coffin; black cloth
indicative or mourning; funeral hangings. --Carlyle.

Mort stone, a large stone by the wayside on which the
bearers rest a coffin. [Eng.] --H. Taylor.
[1913 Webster]
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