mortgagee,hypotéční věřitel Zdeněk Brož
Mortgagee \Mort`ga*gee"\, n. (Law)
The person to whom property is mortgaged, or to whom a
mortgage is made or given.
[1913 Webster] Mortgageor
n 1: the person who accepts a mortgage; "the bank became our
mortgagee when it accepted our mortgage on our new home"
[syn: mortgagee, mortgage holder]
MORTGAGEE, estates, contracts. He to whom a mortgage is made.
2. He is entitled to the payment of the money secured to him by the
mortgage; he has the legal estate in the land mortgaged, and may recover it
in ejectment, on the other hand he cannot commit waste; 4 Watts, R. 460; he
cannot make leases to the injury of the mortgagor; and he must account for
the profits he receives out of the thing mortgaged when in possession.
Cruise, Dig. tit. 15, c. 2.

podobné slovodefinícia
mortgagee,hypotéční věřitel Zdeněk Brož
n 1: the person who accepts a mortgage; "the bank became our
mortgagee when it accepted our mortgage on our new home"
[syn: mortgagee, mortgage holder]
MORTGAGEE, estates, contracts. He to whom a mortgage is made.
2. He is entitled to the payment of the money secured to him by the
mortgage; he has the legal estate in the land mortgaged, and may recover it
in ejectment, on the other hand he cannot commit waste; 4 Watts, R. 460; he
cannot make leases to the injury of the mortgagor; and he must account for
the profits he receives out of the thing mortgaged when in possession.
Cruise, Dig. tit. 15, c. 2.

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