mortgagor,hypotéční dlužník Zdeněk Brož
Mortgageor \Mort"gage*or\, Mortgagor \Mort"ga*gor\, n. (Law)
One who gives a mortgage.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The letter e is required analogically after the second
g in order to soften it; but the spelling mortgagor is
in fact the prevailing form. When the word is
contradistinguished from mortgagee it is accented on
the last syllable (-j[^o]r").
[1913 Webster]
n 1: the person who gives a mortgage in return for money to be
repaid; "we became mortgagors when the bank accepted our
mortgage and loaned us the money to buy our new home" [syn:
mortgagor, mortgager]
MORTGAGOR, estate's, contracts. He who makes a mortgage.
2. He has rights, and is liable to certain duties as such. 1. He is
quasi tenant, at will; he is entitled to an equity of redemption after
forfeiture. 2. He cannot commit waste, nor make a lease injurious to the
mortgagee. As between the mortgagor and third persons, the mortgagor is
owner of the land. Dougl. 632; 4 McCord, R. 310; 3 Fairf. R. 243; but see 3
Pick. R. 204; 1 N. H. Rep. 171; 2 N. H. Rep. 16; 10 Conn. R. 243; 1 Vern. 3;
2 Vern. 621; 1 Atk. 605. He can, however, do nothing which will defeat the
rights of the mortgagee, as, to make a lease to bind him. Dougl. 21. Vide
Mortgagee; 2 Jack. & Walk. 194.

podobné slovodefinícia
mortgagor,hypotéční dlužník Zdeněk Brož
n 1: the person who gives a mortgage in return for money to be
repaid; "we became mortgagors when the bank accepted our
mortgage and loaned us the money to buy our new home" [syn:
mortgagor, mortgager]
MORTGAGOR, estate's, contracts. He who makes a mortgage.
2. He has rights, and is liable to certain duties as such. 1. He is
quasi tenant, at will; he is entitled to an equity of redemption after
forfeiture. 2. He cannot commit waste, nor make a lease injurious to the
mortgagee. As between the mortgagor and third persons, the mortgagor is
owner of the land. Dougl. 632; 4 McCord, R. 310; 3 Fairf. R. 243; but see 3
Pick. R. 204; 1 N. H. Rep. 171; 2 N. H. Rep. 16; 10 Conn. R. 243; 1 Vern. 3;
2 Vern. 621; 1 Atk. 605. He can, however, do nothing which will defeat the
rights of the mortgagee, as, to make a lease to bind him. Dougl. 21. Vide
Mortgagee; 2 Jack. & Walk. 194.

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