Nail-headed \Nail"-head`ed\, a.
Having a head like that of a nail; formed so as to resemble
the head of a nail.
[1913 Webster]

Nail-headed characters, arrowheaded or cuneiform
characters. See under Arrowheaded.

Nail-headed molding (Arch.), an ornament consisting of a
series of low four-sided pyramids resembling the heads of
large nails; -- called also nail-head molding, or
nail-head. It is the same as the simplest form of
dogtooth. See Dogtooth.
[1913 Webster]
podobné slovodefinícia
Nail-headed characters
Nail-headed \Nail"-head`ed\, a.
Having a head like that of a nail; formed so as to resemble
the head of a nail.
[1913 Webster]

Nail-headed characters, arrowheaded or cuneiform
characters. See under Arrowheaded.

Nail-headed molding (Arch.), an ornament consisting of a
series of low four-sided pyramids resembling the heads of
large nails; -- called also nail-head molding, or
nail-head. It is the same as the simplest form of
dogtooth. See Dogtooth.
[1913 Webster]
Nail-headed molding
Nail-headed \Nail"-head`ed\, a.
Having a head like that of a nail; formed so as to resemble
the head of a nail.
[1913 Webster]

Nail-headed characters, arrowheaded or cuneiform
characters. See under Arrowheaded.

Nail-headed molding (Arch.), an ornament consisting of a
series of low four-sided pyramids resembling the heads of
large nails; -- called also nail-head molding, or
nail-head. It is the same as the simplest form of
dogtooth. See Dogtooth.
[1913 Webster]

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