Nodal \Nod"al\, a.
Of the nature of, or relating to, a node; as, a nodal point.
[1913 Webster]

Nodal line, Nodal point, in a vibrating plate or cord,
that line or point which remains at rest while the other
parts of the body are in a state of vibration.
[1913 Webster]

Interpreted language implemented on Norsk Data's NORD-10
computers. Used by CERN and DESY high energy physics labs to
control their accelerator hardware, PADAC and SEDAC. Included
trackball input, graphics.
podobné slovodefinícia
binodal,binodální adj: Zdeněk Brož
nodal rhythm
nodal rhythm, n:
Acnodal \Ac*no"dal\, a.
Pertaining to acnodes.
[1913 Webster]
anodal \anodal\ adj.
1. of or at or relating to an anode. Contrastive to

Syn: anodic
[WordNet 1.5]
Crunodal \Cru*no"dal\ (kr?-n?"dal), a. (Geom.)
Possessing, or characterized by, a crunode; -- used of
[1913 Webster]
Enodal \E*nod"al\, a. (Bot.)
Without a node. --Gray.
[1913 Webster]
Internodal \In`ter*no"dal\, a.
Of or pertaining to internodes; intervening between nodes or
[1913 Webster]
Nodal line
Nodal \Nod"al\, a.
Of the nature of, or relating to, a node; as, a nodal point.
[1913 Webster]

Nodal line, Nodal point, in a vibrating plate or cord,
that line or point which remains at rest while the other
parts of the body are in a state of vibration.
[1913 Webster]
Nodal point
Nodal \Nod"al\, a.
Of the nature of, or relating to, a node; as, a nodal point.
[1913 Webster]

Nodal line, Nodal point, in a vibrating plate or cord,
that line or point which remains at rest while the other
parts of the body are in a state of vibration.
[1913 Webster]
Quadrinodal \Quad`ri*nod"al\, a. [Quadri- + nodal.] (Math.)
Possessing four nodes; as, quadrinodal curves.
[1913 Webster]
Synodal \Syn"od*al\, a. [L. synodalis: cf. F. synodal.]
Synodical. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]Synodal \Syn"od*al\, n.
1. (Ch. of Eng.) A tribute in money formerly paid to the
bishop or archdeacon, at the time of his Easter
visitation, by every parish priest, now made to the
ecclesiastical commissioners; a procuration.
[1913 Webster]

Synodals are due, of common right, to the bishop
only. --Gibson.
[1913 Webster]

2. A constitution made in a provincial or diocesan synod.
[1913 Webster] Synodic
Trinodal \Tri*nod"al\, a. [L. trinodis three-knotted; tri- (see
Tri-) + nodus knot.]
1. (Bot.) Having three knots or nodes; having three points
from which a leaf may shoot; as, a trinodal stem.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Geom.) Having three nodal points.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: of or at or relating to an anode [syn: anodic,
anodal] [ant: cathodic]
atrioventricular nodal rhythm
atrioventricular nodal rhythm
n 1: the normal cardiac rhythm when the heart is controlled by
the atrioventricular node [syn: {atrioventricular nodal
rhythm}, nodal rhythm]
nodal rhythm
nodal rhythm
n 1: the normal cardiac rhythm when the heart is controlled by
the atrioventricular node [syn: {atrioventricular nodal
rhythm}, nodal rhythm]

Interpreted language implemented on Norsk Data's NORD-10
computers. Used by CERN and DESY high energy physics labs to
control their accelerator hardware, PADAC and SEDAC. Included
trackball input, graphics.
nodal switching system
Nodal Switching System

(NSS) Main routing nodes in the NSFnet backbone.

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