Object Persistence Framework

(OPF) Any system for storing objects so they
can be reloaded into a future session. Typically this will
use a relational database along with some kind of {object
relational mapping}. Another typical solution would store
objects in XML files (a form of serialisation). One of
the trickier problems to solve is how to maintain references
between objects, e.g. replacing memory pointers with unique
names or identifiers.

Virtually identical considerations apply to transferring
objects, or indeed any kind of data structure, from one
process to another via some communications channel, e.g. a
TCP/IP connection.

Apple's Enterprise Objects Framework (EOF) is a mature and
powerful example.

podobné slovodefinícia
- vynikajúci
chopfallen, adj:
dropforge, v:
scoopful,množství naběračky Zdeněk Brožscoopful,plná naběračka n: Zdeněk Brož
shopfront,průčelí obchodu n: Zdeněk Brož
Chopfallen \Chop`fall`en\, a.
Having the lower chop or jaw depressed; hence, crestfallen;
dejected; dispirited; downcast. See Chapfallen.
[1913 Webster]
Cropful \Crop"ful\ (-f?l), a.
Having a full crop or belly; satiated. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]
dropforge \dropforge\ v. t.
to forge with a drop forge; -- of metals.
[WordNet 1.5]
Topflight \Top"flight\, a.
unexcelled; of the highest grade; of greatest skill;
exhibiting excellence; a topflight performance.
Topful \Top"ful\, a.
Full to the top, ore brim; brimfull. "Topful of direst
cruelty." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

[He] was so topful of himself, that he let it spill on
all the company. --I. Watts.
[1913 Webster]
Troopfowl \Troop"fowl`\, n. (Zool.)
The American scaup duck. [Local, U. S.]
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: brought low in spirit; "left us fatigued and deflated
spiritually" [syn: chapfallen, chopfallen,
crestfallen, deflated]
v 1: forge with a dropforge; "drop-force the metal"
n 1: the quantity a scoop will hold [syn: scoop, scoopful]
n 1: the front side of a store facing the street; usually
contains display windows [syn: shopfront, storefront]
hopfield model
Hopfield network
Hopfield model

(Or "Hopfield model") A kind of
neural network investigated by John Hopfield in the early
1980s. The Hopfield network has no special input or output
neurons (see McCulloch-Pitts), but all are both input and
output, and all are connected to all others in both directions
(with equal weights in the two directions). Input is applied
simultaneously to all neurons which then output to each other
and the process continues until a stable state is reached,
which represents the network output.

hopfield network
Hopfield network
Hopfield model

(Or "Hopfield model") A kind of
neural network investigated by John Hopfield in the early
1980s. The Hopfield network has no special input or output
neurons (see McCulloch-Pitts), but all are both input and
output, and all are connected to all others in both directions
(with equal weights in the two directions). Input is applied
simultaneously to all neurons which then output to each other
and the process continues until a stable state is reached,
which represents the network output.

Object Persistence Framework

(OPF) Any system for storing objects so they
can be reloaded into a future session. Typically this will
use a relational database along with some kind of {object
relational mapping}. Another typical solution would store
objects in XML files (a form of serialisation). One of
the trickier problems to solve is how to maintain references
between objects, e.g. replacing memory pointers with unique
names or identifiers.

Virtually identical considerations apply to transferring
objects, or indeed any kind of data structure, from one
process to another via some communications channel, e.g. a
TCP/IP connection.

Apple's Enterprise Objects Framework (EOF) is a mature and
powerful example.


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