slovo | definícia |
ot (encz) | OT,Off Topic [zkr.] |
ot (foldoc) | OpenTransport
(OT) A complete reimplementation of all levels of
the Macintosh networking code including "Classic"
AppleTalk and MacTCP. It appeared in MacOS revision
7.5.3 [or earlier? Date?].
ot (jargon) | OT
[Usenet: common] Abbreviation for “off-topic”. This is used to respond to a
question that is inappropriate for the newsgroup that the questioner posted
to. Often used in an HTML-style modifier or with adverbs. See also TAN.
ot (vera) | OT
Object Technology
ot (vera) | OT
Oblivious Transfer
ot (vera) | OT
Off Topic (slang, Usenet)
ot (vera) | OT
Open Transport (Apple)
| podobné slovo | definícia |
a lot of (mass) | a lot of
- veľa |
a man of the cloth (mass) | a man of the cloth
- farár |
abbot (mass) | abbot
- opát |
afoot (mass) | afoot
- pešky |
allot (mass) | allot
- rozdeliť, udeliť, prideliť |
allotment (mass) | allotment
- pozemok |
another (mass) | another
- ďalší, iný, druhý |
another time (mass) | another time
- inokedy |
apricot (mass) | apricot
- marhuľa |
at a moments notice (mass) | at a moment's notice
- hneď, okamžite |
at other times (mass) | at other times
- inokedy |
ballot (mass) | ballot
- hlasovanie, hlasovací lístok, tajné hlasovanie |
begotten (mass) | begotten
- splodený, zrodený |
bibliotheca (mass) | bibliotheca
- knižnica |
blot (mass) | blot
- škvrna |
blot out (mass) | blot out
- hladiť |
blotch (mass) | blotch
- škvrna |
boot (mass) | boot
- topánka, spustiť počítač |
bootless (mass) | bootless
- zbytočný |
botch (mass) | botch
- pokaziť |
botch it (mass) | botch it
- zničiť |
both (mass) | both
- oba, obe, oboje |
both as and as (mass) | both as ... and as ..
- ako ... aj ako ... |
bother (mass) | bother
- otravovať, trápiť, hnevať, obťažovať, vadiť |
bothered (mass) | bothered
- otravovaný, sužovaný |
bothersome (mass) | bothersome
- obtiažny |
bothway (mass) | both-way
- obojsmerný |
botswana (mass) | Botswana
- Botswana |
bottle (mass) | bottle
- fľaša |
bottleneck (mass) | bottleneck
- prekážka |
bottom (mass) | bottom
- dolný, dole, úpätie, dno, zadok, koniec, spodok |
bottomup (mass) | bottom-up
- zdola hore |
botty (mass) | botty
- zadoček |
brother (mass) | brother
- brat |
brotherinlaw (mass) | brother-in-law
- švagor |
cahoot (mass) | cahoot
- spoločenstvo |
camelot (mass) | Camelot
- Kamelot |
cannot (mass) | cannot
- nemôže, nemôžem, nemôžeme, nemôžeš, nemôžete, nemôžu |
carrot (mass) | carrot
- mrkva |
clothe (mass) | clothe
- obliecť, ošatiť, šatiť |
clothed (mass) | clothed
- oblečený |
clothes (mass) | clothes
- odevy, šaty, oblečenie |
clothing (mass) | clothing
- odevy, šatstvo, šaty, oblečenie |
coldfooter (mass) | cold-footer
- baba, zbabelec |
commotion (mass) | commotion
- zmätok |
compote (mass) | compote
- kompót |
connotation (mass) | connotation
- význam |
connote (mass) | connote
- znamenať |
coterminous (mass) | coterminous
- súčasný |
cotton (mass) | cotton
- bavlnený, bavlna |
coyote (mass) | coyote
- kojot |
crackpot (mass) | crackpot
- blázon |
cross over to the other side (mass) | cross over to the other side
- zomrieť |
denote (mass) | denote
- znamenať, označiť |
devote (mass) | devote
- oddať sa, zasvätiť, venovať |
devoted (mass) | devoted
- oddaný |
donothing (mass) | do-nothing
- nič nerobiť |
dot (mass) | dot
- bodka |
dotard (mass) | dotard
- detinský |
doting (mass) | doting
- detinský |
dotted (mass) | dotted
- bodkovaný |
each other (mass) | each other
- navzájom, jeden druhého |
egotistical (mass) | egotistical
- tvrdohlavý |
eyeshot (mass) | eyeshot
- dohľad |
faggot (mass) | faggot
- hanlivé označenie pre homosexuála, zväzok |
fagot (mass) | fagot
- hanlivo homosexuál, zväzok |
foot (mass) | foot
- noha, päta |
football bladder (mass) | football bladder
- duša |
football pools (mass) | football pools
- stávka |
footballer (mass) | footballer
- futbalista |
footer (mass) | footer
- chodec, päta |
foothold (mass) | foothold
- základ |
footing (mass) | footing
- základ, súčet |
footnote (mass) | footnote
- anotácia, poznámka pod čiarou, vysvetlivka |
footrag (mass) | foot-rag
- onuce |
forgot (mass) | forgot
- forget/forgot/forgotten |
forgotten (mass) | forgotten
- forget/forgot/forgotten |
garotte (mass) | garotte
- uškrtiť |
golgotha (mass) | Golgotha
- Golgota |
goodfornothing (mass) | good-for-nothing
- zbytočný |
got (mass) | got
- get, get |