object constraint language
Object Constraint Language

(OCL) A formal specification language extension to
UML. The Object Constraint Language is a precise text
language that provides constraint and object query
expressions on an object-oriented model that cannot
otherwise be expressed by diagrammatic notation.

OCL supplements UML by providing expressions that have neither
the ambiguities of natural language nor the inherent
difficulty of using complex mathematics.

OCL is a descendent of Syntropy, a second-generation
object-oriented analysis and design method. The OCL 1.4
definition specified a constraint language. In OCL 2.0, the
definition has been extended to include general object query
language definitions.

OMG UML Home (

{Rational UML Resource Center

{OCL 2.0 Submission to UML

podobné slovodefinícia
object constraint language
Object Constraint Language

(OCL) A formal specification language extension to
UML. The Object Constraint Language is a precise text
language that provides constraint and object query
expressions on an object-oriented model that cannot
otherwise be expressed by diagrammatic notation.

OCL supplements UML by providing expressions that have neither
the ambiguities of natural language nor the inherent
difficulty of using complex mathematics.

OCL is a descendent of Syntropy, a second-generation
object-oriented analysis and design method. The OCL 1.4
definition specified a constraint language. In OCL 2.0, the
definition has been extended to include general object query
language definitions.

OMG UML Home (

{Rational UML Resource Center

{OCL 2.0 Submission to UML


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