object role modeling
Object Role Modeling

(ORM) A conceptual modelling approach that
pictures the application world as a set of objects that play
roles (parts in relationships, which may be unary, binary or
higher order). ORM provides both graphical and textual
languages that enable models to be expressed naturally. For
data modelling purposes, its graphical language is more
expressive than ER or UML.


podobné slovodefinícia
formal object role modeling language
Formal Object Role Modeling Language

(FORML) A CASE language?

object role modeling
Object Role Modeling

(ORM) A conceptual modelling approach that
pictures the application world as a set of objects that play
roles (parts in relationships, which may be unary, binary or
higher order). ORM provides both graphical and textual
languages that enable models to be expressed naturally. For
data modelling purposes, its graphical language is more
expressive than ER or UML.



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