Ophibolus triangulus
Milk \Milk\ (m[i^]lk), n. [AS. meoluc, meoloc, meolc, milc; akin
to OFries. meloc, D. melk, G. milch, OHG. miluh, Icel.
mj[=o]lk, Sw. mj["o]lk, Dan. melk, Goth. miluks, G. melken to
milk, OHG. melchan, Lith. milszti, L. mulgere, Gr.
'ame`lgein. [root]107. Cf. Milch, Emulsion, Milt soft
roe of fishes.]
[1913 Webster]
1. (Physiol.) A white fluid secreted by the mammary glands of
female mammals for the nourishment of their young,
consisting of minute globules of fat suspended in a
solution of casein, albumin, milk sugar, and inorganic
salts. "White as morne milk." --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.) A kind of juice or sap, usually white in color,
found in certain plants; latex. See Latex.
[1913 Webster]

3. An emulsion made by bruising seeds; as, the milk of
almonds, produced by pounding almonds with sugar and
[1913 Webster]

4. (Zool.) The ripe, undischarged spat of an oyster.
[1913 Webster]

Condensed milk. See under Condense, v. t.

Milk crust (Med.), vesicular eczema occurring on the face
and scalp of nursing infants. See Eczema.

Milk fever.
(a) (Med.) A fever which accompanies or precedes the first
lactation. It is usually transitory.
(b) (Vet. Surg.) A form puerperal peritonitis in cattle;
also, a variety of meningitis occurring in cows after

Milk glass, glass having a milky appearance.

Milk knot (Med.), a hard lump forming in the breast of a
nursing woman, due to obstruction to the flow of milk and
congestion of the mammary glands.

Milk leg (Med.), a swollen condition of the leg, usually in
puerperal women, caused by an inflammation of veins, and
characterized by a white appearance occasioned by an
accumulation of serum and sometimes of pus in the cellular

Milk meats, food made from milk, as butter and cheese.
[Obs.] --Bailey.

Milk mirror. Same as Escutcheon, 2.

Milk molar (Anat.), one of the deciduous molar teeth which
are shed and replaced by the premolars.

Milk of lime (Chem.), a watery emulsion of calcium hydrate,
produced by macerating quicklime in water.

Milk parsley (Bot.), an umbelliferous plant ({Peucedanum
palustre}) of Europe and Asia, having a milky juice.

Milk pea (Bot.), a genus (Galactia) of leguminous and,
usually, twining plants.

Milk sickness (Med.), See milk sickness in the

Milk snake (Zool.), a harmless American snake ({Ophibolus
triangulus}, or Ophibolus eximius). It is variously
marked with white, gray, and red. Called also {milk
adder}, chicken snake, house snake, etc.

Milk sugar. (Physiol. Chem.) See Lactose, and {Sugar of
milk} (below).

Milk thistle (Bot.), an esculent European thistle ({Silybum
marianum}), having the veins of its leaves of a milky

Milk thrush. (Med.) See Thrush.

Milk tooth (Anat.), one of the temporary first set of teeth
in young mammals; in man there are twenty.

Milk tree (Bot.), a tree yielding a milky juice, as the cow
tree of South America (Brosimum Galactodendron), and the
Euphorbia balsamifera of the Canaries, the milk of both
of which is wholesome food.

Milk vessel (Bot.), a special cell in the inner bark of a
plant, or a series of cells, in which the milky juice is
contained. See Latex.

Rock milk. See Agaric mineral, under Agaric.

Sugar of milk. The sugar characteristic of milk; a hard
white crystalline slightly sweet substance obtained by
evaporation of the whey of milk. It is used in pellets and
powder as a vehicle for homeopathic medicines, and as an
article of diet. See Lactose.
[1913 Webster]
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