Ortalis flexa
Onion \On"ion\, n. [F. ognon, fr. L. unio oneness, unity, a
single large pearl, an onion. See One, Union.]
1. (Bot.) A liliaceous plant of the genus Allium ({Allium
cepa}), having a strong-flavored bulb and long hollow
leaves; also, its bulbous root, much used as an article of
food. The name is often extended to other species of the
[1913 Webster]

2. The flavor of an onion[1].

Onion fish (Zool.), the grenadier.

Onion fly (Zool.) a dipterous insect whose larva feeds upon
the onion; especially, Anthomyia ceparum and {Ortalis

Welsh onion. (Bot.) See Cibol.

Wild onion (Bot.), a name given to several species of the
genus Allium.
[1913 Webster]
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