
Robin POPplestone, Edinburgh, 1967. An innovative language
incorporating many of Landin's ideas, including streams,
closures, and functions as first-class citizens. ALGOL-like
syntax. The first implementation was named Multi-POP, based
on a REVPOL function written in POP-1, producing the
reverse-polish form as output. "POP-2 Papers", R.M. Burstall
et al, Oliver & Boyd 1968. "Programming in POP-2",
R.M. Burstall et al, Edinburgh U Press 1971. "POP-2 User's
Manual", R. Popplestone, Mach Intell 2, E. Dale et al eds,
Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh 1968.
podobné slovodefinícia

Robin POPplestone, Edinburgh, 1967. An innovative language
incorporating many of Landin's ideas, including streams,
closures, and functions as first-class citizens. ALGOL-like
syntax. The first implementation was named Multi-POP, based
on a REVPOL function written in POP-1, producing the
reverse-polish form as output. "POP-2 Papers", R.M. Burstall
et al, Oliver & Boyd 1968. "Programming in POP-2",
R.M. Burstall et al, Edinburgh U Press 1971. "POP-2 User's
Manual", R. Popplestone, Mach Intell 2, E. Dale et al eds,
Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh 1968.

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