Pacane \Pa*cane"\, n. (Bot.)
A species of hickory. See Pecan.
[1913 Webster]
Pecan \Pe*can"\ (p[-e]*k[a^]n"), n. [Cf. F. pacane the nut.]
A species of hickory (Carya oliv[ae]formis), growing in
North America, chiefly in the Mississippi valley and in
Texas, where it is one of the largest of forest trees; also,
its fruit, a smooth, oblong nut, an inch or an inch and a
half long, with a thin shell and well-flavored meat. [Written
also pacane.]
[1913 Webster]
podobné slovodefinícia
Pacane \Pa*cane"\, n. (Bot.)
A species of hickory. See Pecan.
[1913 Webster]Pecan \Pe*can"\ (p[-e]*k[a^]n"), n. [Cf. F. pacane the nut.]
A species of hickory (Carya oliv[ae]formis), growing in
North America, chiefly in the Mississippi valley and in
Texas, where it is one of the largest of forest trees; also,
its fruit, a smooth, oblong nut, an inch or an inch and a
half long, with a thin shell and well-flavored meat. [Written
also pacane.]
[1913 Webster]

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