Palmate \Pal"mate\, Palmated \Pal"ma*ted\, a. [L. palmatus
marked with the palm of a hand, from palma the palm of the
[1913 Webster]
1. Having the shape of the hand; resembling a hand with the
fingers spread.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.) Spreading from the apex of a petiole, as the
divisions of a leaf, or leaflets, so as to resemble the
hand with outspread fingers. --Gray.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Zool.)
(a) Having the anterior toes united by a web, as in most
swimming birds; webbed. See Illust. (i) under Aves.
(b) Having the distal portion broad, flat, and more or
less divided into lobes; -- said of certain corals,
antlers, etc.
[1913 Webster]
podobné slovodefinícia
Semipalmate \Sem`i*pal"mate\, Semipalmated \Sem`i*pal"ma*ted\,
a. (Zool.)
Having the anterior toes joined only part way down with a
web; half-webbed; as, a semipalmate bird or foot. See Illust.
k under Aves.
[1913 Webster]
semipalmated plover
Plover \Plov"er\, n. [OF. plovier, F. pluvier, prop., the rain
bird, fr. LL. (assumed) pluviarius, fr. L. pluvia rain, from
pluere to rain; akin to E. float, G. fliessen to flow. See
1. (Zool.) Any one of numerous species of limicoline birds
belonging to the family Charadrid[ae], and especially
those belonging to the subfamily Charadrins[ae]. They
are prized as game birds.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) Any grallatorial bird allied to, or resembling,
the true plovers, as the crab plover (Dromas ardeola);
the American upland, plover (Bartramia longicauda); and
other species of sandpipers.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Among the more important species are the {blackbellied
plover} or blackbreasted plover ({Charadrius
squatarola}) of America and Europe; -- called also
gray plover, bull-head plover, Swiss plover, {sea
plover}, and oxeye; the golden plover (see under
Golden); the ring plover or ringed plover
(Aegialitis hiaticula). See Ringneck. The {piping
plover} (Aegialitis meloda); Wilson's plover
(Aegialitis Wilsonia); the mountain plover
(Aegialitis montana); and the semipalmated plover
(Aegialitis semipalmata), are all small American
[1913 Webster]

Bastard plover (Zool.), the lapwing.

Long-legged plover, or yellow-legged plover. See

Plover's page, the dunlin. [Prov. Eng.]

Rock plover, or Stone plover, the black-bellied plover.
[Prov. Eng.]

Whistling plover.
(a) The golden plover.
(b) The black-bellied plover.
[1913 Webster] Plow
semipalmated tattler
Willet \Wil"let\, n. (Zool.)
A large North American snipe (Symphemia semipalmata); --
called also pill-willet, will-willet, {semipalmated
tattler}, or snipe, duck snipe, and stone curlew.
[1913 Webster]

Carolina willet, the Hudsonian godwit.
[1913 Webster]

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